There are only a few things that when I hear them, see them, smell them, feel them — make me unhappy. One of them is learning that I will follow Hall Davidson as a conference speaker. First of all, Davidson is very smart. He’s trained in improve, has a rich background, lives in Beverly Hill, talks fast, blah blah blah. Plus he always shows stuff that I was planning to present.
Think of it this way…he’s just warming them up for you!
Hall puts so much in his presentations, he’s presenting half of what everyone is presenting. The guy covers so much in a presentation he’s bound to steal a little bit of everyone’s thunder.
It’s those 2 or 3 things he found that no one else found that totally bring it home, though!
Hall is a very entertaining presenter, for sure. As Vinny mentioned, he can hit on a lot of topics in one presentation. Perhaps you could cover in depth a topic or two that he superficially touches on? I saw him not too long ago, and was left wanting to know more about thing or two.
I was there and yes, Hall Davidson was awesome, but I was also at your session after and it was equally outstanding! It’s still really weird to see/hear a person who you have been reading about live and in person. METC always manages to have great keynotes and presenters, even though we’re a regional conference. Chris Moersch’s keynote Tuesday was super, then Hall today, Steve Dembo, Bernajean Porter, David Jakes, Meg Ormiston…. Then to hear you present today was just icing. You did a fabulous job! I hope you are presenting at NECC so I can hear you again. (And somehow in your blog that southern accent doesn’t come through).
David, We all sing our own songs in our own way… you can follow Hall, you can follow Ian, you can follow anyone because YOU can sing YOUR song!
It was great!
David, It was awesome meeting you today during our “photo op.” I agree with Michelle, your blog does not relay your North Carolinian accent. You may have disliked following Hall, but I noticed that he sat in on two of your presentations. Thanks for traveling to Missouri and sharing your innovative ideas.
Good joke Dave – We Kiwis loved hearing and meeting you – come back real soon and stay a while please !!
There used to be a saying in vaudeville that you should never have to follow a dog act or a kid act. Now there’s a third.
Actually, following an act sometimes isn’t as bad as performing concurrently. I’ve had the experience of presenting next door to Hall at CUE with one of those temporary walls separating his half of the ballroom from mine. I’m generally happy to get smiles and titters every few minutes in a session but it’s a bit disconcerting when next door, the guffaws come every few seconds. More than once I’ve suggested that my audience and I just give up and go join Hall.
He’s awfully good.