I’m following Ewan McIntosh’s lead in establishing a fun blog just based on my travels. It will include pictures that I take — some because they are of beautiful places and beautiful things, and others just to prove I was there. I’ll also be telling some stories about travel, and making some observations about what I see as a crumbling travel infrastructure, and stories about people who still joyously see it as their job to provide quality service to their customers.
The first entry is a picture that I took with a small digital camera (3.2 Megapixel Sony Cyber-shot) that I carry in my computer bag. It’s taken in Philadelphia while I was waiting for my ride to Hershey for the PETE & C conference. There will also be lots of pictures taken with my mobile phone (Treo 600 with a truly lousy camera that sometimes delivers some interesting affects as a result its lousiness). I will occasionally carry my new Nikon D70 digital SLR camera for the truly breath-taking scenery. I will definitely have it in Palm Springs, for the CUE conference coming up.
So visit the blog regularly, or subscribe [atom]. It’s called Serial Teacher.
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With this site, your readers can:
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If your readers might be planning a family vacation, travelervideos.com will save them hours of time researching travel destinations – with advice from people who’ve been there! That precious time saved can mean more time preparing an amazing vacation.
Help your readers get to know other travelers from around the world and share their journeys on travelvideos.com – the only place where one can create an entire travelogue around family vacation videos, and where family and friends can enjoy them too, leaving comments and sending messages. At travelvideos.com, vacation memories can be shared with everyone!
Encourage your readers to log on today!
Steven Hall
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