Trains are so unpredictable in the South. My understanding is that the freight lines own the tracks. So if a freight train comes through, it has the right-of-way, and the passenger trains must move to a side rail and wait. We were six minutes late leaving Raleigh and nearly two-and-a-half hours late arriving in Washington. No complaints, though. Flying could have been worse, and I was much MUCH more comfortable. Business class — sixty-two bucks.
I mostly worked and took pictures out the window, and here’s an interesting one. In northern Virginia, the tracks were bordered by marshes, topped with fresh green lily pads. I took lots of shots, trying to get a good one, and if you look at the bottom and slightly right of center on this one, you’ll see that I captured a fawn. Not all that unusual. We see them in our back yard at home near the middle of the city. But it was one of those iPhoto surprises.
Another surprise was the fairly intense rain (and hail) storm that decided to erupt as I got (walking) a half-mile from the hotel. Fortunately, I got under an awning with my luggage. Unfortunately, it was with about six panhandlers. But after I ran out of quarters, we settled back and enjoyed the occasion.
But I’m here now — and EduBloggerCon starts in just a couple of hours.
Also, I’m trying a web-based blog editor called WriteToMyBlog. You can see if it works…