Something New from Google – SearchWiki

After doing just a little bit of work in our new Class Blogmeister Ning Social Network for Class Blogmeister teachers, it was past time to start final preparations for today’s presentations at the Leading & Learning Conference in central Alberta (Red Deer).  I needed to be reminded of my day’s schedule so I didn’t go to my e-mails tagged for the event, nor the wiki that Brenda and I keep with details for my work, nor even the folder she slips into my computer bag as I leave.  I went to Google, and I Googled warlick red deer (see below).

Click to enlarge

At the top of the listing was “Leading & Learning Conference – Schedule” — Excellent — followed by a Twitter message I posted at an airport yesterday and reference to Warlick Ancestors in Red Deer (Will have to check into that one).  But what really caught my attention was the slighted grayed buttons to the right of the title and at the end of the hit entry.

Now, as usually scurries through my mind at times like these, “What was the latest add-on I’ve put into FireFox — have I really mucked things up now?”  So I did the easy thing, I Googled it — or actually, I went to The Official Google Blog and found an entry posted yesterday afternoon (SearchWiki: make your search your own).

Today we’re launching SearchWiki, a way for you to customize search by re-ranking, deleting, adding, and commenting on search results. With just a single click you can move the results you like to the top or add a new site. You can also write notes attached to a particular site and remove results that you don’t feel belong. These modifications will be shown to you every time you do the same search in the future. SearchWiki is available to signed-in Google users. We store your changes in your Google Account. If you are wondering if you are signed in, you can always check by noting if your username appears in the upper right-hand side of the page.

Go here to read the entire article and even view a video demonstration.

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One thought on “Something New from Google – SearchWiki”

  1. David – It’s incredible how quickly what technology can do for us changes. Thanks for noting this new google feature.
    Makes it even clearer why schools need to be changing to keep pace with how today’s students will access information. I can’t wait to read your blog comments on the new MacArthur research report on Digital Youth: Enjoy Alberta! ::Bonnie

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