I’m home again and able to surface back up into my learning network, and the first tidbit that I discover is probably already known to you. But one thing that is noteworthy here is that I learned this from a relatively traditional thread of my web — e-mail.
Kathy Schrock as, for many years, run a mailing list called SOS – Help for Busy Teachers, and this morning’s post was about edmodo. It’s something that members of my audiences have been seeking for months, a classroom-ready micro blogging tool. Here’s the about text from the edmodo web site:
Edmodo is a private micro-blogging platform built for use by teachers and students.
Traditional web 2.0 tools in a k-12 classroom environment create concerns over privacy. Edmodo has been built with the privacy of students in mind.
Here are some other blog posts about edmodo posted to one of their blog entries.
Edmodo provides a way for teachers and students to share notes, links, and files. Teachers also have the ability to send alerts, events, and assignments to students. Edmodo also has a public component built by allowing teachers to post any privately shared item to a public timeline and RSS feed.
There is a video of a workshop demonstration posted in an edmodo blog entry that was delivered at the Classroom 2.0 Live Workshop in Chicago earlier this month. Here is a YouTube video tutorial about the product, which is quite impressive in my opinion.
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great stuff–thanks for sharing!
This is good stuff. I have been trying to incorporate some Twitter into my classroom for the past couple of years. I have found that using google docs and editing with each other works well too for smaller classes.