I’m Getting Diigo

16 hours ago I Twitter’ed, Diigo! Do I need ANOTHER social network?”

Over the next few minutes, I got replies ranging from,

“Sure you do! 🙂 It seems to be a cool hybrid of Twitter qualities with del.icio.us! Lots of potential, I think.”


“What in Diigo makes you want to jump ship and invest time and effort rebuilding your network. That is a major PITA.”

Picture of my Diigo ProfileWell, I don’t know what a PITA is, but I got the point. At any rate, I did invest some time in populating it out and making some connections or friend requests. The real breakthrough was finally getting my del.icio.us bookmarks over (be patient, it takes time for Diigo to process the tags) — and then learning that I can have new Diigo bookmarks automatically sent to Del.icio.us as they are added. This is good since del.icio.us RSS feeds run throughout my online handouts wiki.

In conclusion, I’ve not seen any social networking tool that has sparked my imagination nearly so much as Diigo. I’m still not committed. Time will tell as to whether this will become an important part of my PLN. But it’s got me thinking. It is an interesting blend of human networks and social bookmarks, of people can content.

There probably isn’t anything you can do with Diigo bookmarks that you can’t with Del.icio.us. But sharing and focused collaborative assembly of resources seems built into Diigo. Perhaps this is what sets Diigo appart, that content becomes the place. It isn’t the place that’s the place. It’s the content.

I’m not sure what that means either. But the best example is the ability to highlight and stickynote sections of web pages, and then share your stickynotes with people in your network or group. Several years ago, I wrote an article for Technology & Learning Magazine about the future of textbooks. I am not sure if I expressed this in the article, but I remember thinking that the textbook, however it manifest itself, should become a meeting place, where students come and discuss, right there at the content. This is what seems possible with Diigo.

More thoughtful educators than myself have already written extensively about Diigo. I’m very much a late-comer. Here is a Google blog search of posts that include Diigo and Classroom, and here is an RSS feed for that search.

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13 thoughts on “I’m Getting Diigo”

  1. Welcome to the diigo crowd David. I’ve been using diigo for well over a year now and have been singing its praises since then. The potential has always been there, its just glad to see it getting noticed now.

  2. Good Morning David!
    I’ve been going on about Diigo for a few months now and people kept ‘poo-pooing’ me. Now it seems my crystal ball was right! Hope you’ll join us in the Elluminate session Lisa Parisi is setting up this Sunday a.m. (check Twitter for link).

    BTW….PITA = pain in the @ss

  3. Great! I signed up yesterday and can’t wait to learn more about it. It seems to have such great potential and I really wish it had been around 30 years ago when I had to do all those literary critical analysis classes and of course, I would have needed e-books. WOW – have we come a long way! There are so many neat new tools out there and I keep getting suckered in… I feel like Jessica Simpson in the DirectTV commercial when she said, “I totally don’t know what it is, but I want it”

    I keep up with your blog and learn so much. Now that you’re into Diigo, I can sit back a little and learn from your experiences. Thanks for keeping us up to speed on the cybertrak.

  4. Being that I’m starting to get spread pretty thin over all kinds of social nets, I think I’m going to wait on Diigo. Keep me informed though, it does sound like there’s some potential there.

  5. Like yourself I can see huge benefits for connecting learners and sharing ideas. Not quite ready to give up my faithful Delicious yet, perhaps it’s not a case of either-or. This really looks like a step in the right direction for PLN.

  6. Do you really not know what a “PITA” is?
    …you get the idea.

    You said that you weren’t sure there was anything you could do with Diigo that can’t be done with del.icio.us, but the highlighting features are one big benefit. That’s been my biggest reason for using it in the last year. I do a lot of link blogging, and it’s a great tool for that. I know that’s not your deal, but it is part of my PLE for that reason.

  7. I agree with you Christy. I was referring to the bookmarking features of Diigo, comparing that with Del.icio.us. I really hadn’t thought of the highlighting as a bookmarking feature, though I guess it is.

  8. As a teacher who helps teachers with integrating technology into their content, often folks would share with me great resources and i would have to go out of my way to connect with the person who shared when I needed more information or wanted to make a connection. I like that in diigo I can go direct to the source from within diigo. Their tech support is OUTSTANDING, they are right there in the community answering questions. I am finding things daily that I can streamline through diigo. I wrote a post with some of the beginning things I liked (& how to do them) but I feel like now that I have been in it about a week I am do for one more;-) For me diigo is becoming an important part of my PLN

  9. I think the Diigo will more popular in
    our life ,it will become a common tool to manage our bookmarks and to share our useful information.

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