I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home! I’m home!
I have been pretty solidly on the go from mid June until this morning, when I got up in Baltimore and took an early morning flight to Philadelphia, and then another one down to Raleigh. It is great to be home, and I do not believe that I have more than two jobs in all of September that put me on a plane. I am so happy. Both of the kids will be home this weekend for Labor Day, and then it’s just Brenda and me and home projects.
I’ll be busy, working through a new, fairly large writing project. But I’ll also work on some ideas I’ve had about Class Blogmeister and — I’ll also get to read again, which is the main reason I’ve not blogged so much lately. I’ve not been reading so much lately.
..And I started at the airport, scanning my aggregator, via my phone, and ran across several postings about an article in a German magazine announcing that Apple and Volkswagen are in conversation about a new concept car, that will be called (clearing my throat) the iCar. Here’s a spoofed picture that was posted in Engaget (What would an iCar Look Like?).
Finally, I want include this bit, that I wrote while waiting my term at the Madison School District school opening event this week.
I’m sitting in the opening convocation for the Madison School District in Connecticut. The superintendent is introducing educators who are receiving service awards, having been with the district for 10, 15, 20, etc. years. She is describing the three teachers who have served for thirty years. What impresses me, deeply, is how incredibly accomplished a teacher can become during a single career. I learned about a local teacher who has represented his school at the White House — twice. A teacher who was the first in the state to adopt calculators in a calculus class. And more. These accomplishments are just those single events that combine into years that have impacted the lives of thousands of people. I could go on, but I can’t type fast enough. I am simply overwhelmed.
Glad to be home!
Topolsky, Joshua. “What would the iCar be like?.” [Weblog Engadget] 29 Aug 2007. 31 Aug 2007 <http://www.engadget.com/2007/08/29/what-would-the-icar-be-like/>.
So tell me, Dave – are you home, yet?
Welcome back home – just in time for blogger meetups and such 😉
It is great to be home! And I mean that. I’m just typing along working on the code for threaded comments.
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Carmina qui quondam studio florente peregi, flebilis heu maestos cogor inire modos. ecce mihi lacerae dictant scribenda Camenae et ueris elegi fletibus ora rigant. 5 has saltem nullus potuit peruincere terror, ne nostrum comites prosequerentur iter. gloria felicis olim uiridisque iuuentae, solantur maesti nunc mea fata senis. uenit enim properata malis inopina senectus 10 et dolor aetatem iussit inesse suam. intempestiui funduntur uertice cani et tremit effeto corpore laxa cutis. mors ominum felix, quae se nec dulcibus annis inserit et maestis saepe uocata uenit.
Ceheu, quam surda miseros auertitur aure et flentes oculos claudere saeua negat! dum leuibus male fida bonis fortuna faueret paene caput tristis merserat hora meum; nunc quia fallacem mutauit nubila uultum 20 protrahit ingratas impia uita moras. quid me felicem totiens iactastis, amici? qui cecidit, tabili non erat ille gradu.