I’ll be leaving for Connecticut in a half hour. Brenda is traveling with me for much of this trip, for which we’ll call New Haven our base of operations. Well, we’ll never really call it that, but you know.
Brenda should have been an engineer. Much of North Carolina is experiencing a drought. In fact, except for only a handful of counties, each is experiencing anywhere from moderate to extreme drought conditions. We’ve cut back, and never have done much lawn watering or been fanatical or even regular with the car washing. But we do have a lot of plants in pots out side, and it’s part of Brenda’s morning ritual to walk around watering with a hose.
Yesterday, she fashioned some tubing together to draw the condensation from our air conditioner into a bucket that she can use for the watering, and we were amazed at how fast it filled up. I don’t know, but I suspect that it’s probably four or five gallons, and we almost filled two of them yesterday. It’s truly quite amazing.
While we’re gone, it will replenish the water in our little gold fish pond.
Having left Western NC a few days ago (Lenoir area), I understand the need to conserve water and to water the plants. I was visit a farm with horses that they have pulled off the pastures and are worried about having enough hay to get through the winter. It is nice to be back in Pennsylvania where it has rained while we were gone. Applause for Brenda’s efforts, they say the necessity is the mother of invention!