I Take this kind of Disappointment Personally

I take this kind of disappointment personally. I should have done more.

I voted.

I also voted with my checkbook, writing checks to my candidates’ campaigns – probably more than was fair to my family.

But, my checks can’t compete with those from millionaires, billionaires and huge corporations.

The sad thing is that according to exit polls, most Americans seem to side with the positions of Democrats’ on many of the actual issues.

Yet this election was not about issues.

This election was about volume. ..and volume is $bought$ before the voting begins.

This election happened in dark rooms where checks were written, adding zero after zero, with the expectation that the writers would soon be legally freed from many of the consequences of acting to add many more zeros to their bank accounts.

I wonder now if this was the intent of our “Founding Fathers.”

One thought on “I Take this kind of Disappointment Personally”

  1. It seems, now more than ever, that the votes that count the most come not from people, but from checkbooks (or, more accurately, wallets); not from the average American citizen. Unfortunately, I can’t compete with that either, which is troubling…doesn’t that contradict everything for which our country used to stand? What happened to caring about the “poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free?”

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