I was just scanning through a Facebook feed I have for folks I went to high school with, and an old friend posted a YouTube video of the Temptations singing, I Wish it Would Rain. Maybe you have to be close to my age to be able to appreciate the marvel of spanning the decades with a mouse click, or a tablet touch. What if it had been suggested to us, in 1969, that this sort of thing would be possible.
These thoughts reminded me of a day in 1967, when Mrs. Cole, our 9th grade civics teacher, suggested to us that by the year 2000 we would each own our own computer, and it would be small enough to carry in our shirt pockets,
..and it would be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide!
The thing is, that in 1967, we didn’t believe her. The very idea of having such a device, so soon, was beyond our imaginations.
It’s an important story to me, because we cannot begin to imagine the astounding possibilities of our children’s future, the tools and opportunities that they and their children will take for granted.
As an educator, it begs the question, “What do our children need to be learning today, and how do they need to be learning it, to be ready for an un-imaginable future,”
“..to be able to create a future • • • that’s better!”
I remember in 8th grade taking a computer class and learning how to type on a keyboard. I had such a hard time with it and wondered if it was really essential for me. Even though now we still continue to use keyboard most are wireless or touch screen. This post really interested me especially with the comment your 9th grade teacher made about in the year 2000 everyone would be about to have their own computer, and it would be small enough to carry in their pocket. I teach 2nd and 3rd grade students and this past school year all of our students from 1st to 12th grade received an iPad mini (1st – 5th) or iPad (6th – 12th). Your 9th grade teacher was pretty close because by 2013 our students did receive their very own computer. This technological tool has become an essential tool in how and what our students learn. Though in the beginning it was very hard to get used to and a distraction at times we (teachers and students) have adapted to it. I want my students to be life-long learners and think outside the four walls of my classroom. Their very own computer, as Mrs. Cole put it, has given them this opportunity.
I tried posting this yesterday but for some reason it didn’t show.
I can recall being in the 7th grade and taking a computer class and our teacher wanting us to learn to type faster and how frustrating it was for me to remember the keys correctly enough to type faster. I thought will I really need this in the future, typing at a good speed. Well computers and technology have been so important in the education of our students. Mrs. Cole was correct when she mentioned to you all that each student would have their own computer and it would be small enough to fit in their pockets. This past school year our students from 1st to 12th grade received iPad minis or iPads. Each student had their very own computer to use at any moment that it was needed….technology was at the tips of their fingertips. So Mrs. Cole was correct, I wonder what prediction I can make to my 3rd graders about technology in the next 10 or 20 years. Anything is possible.
Your post reminded me of high school and learning how to type faster. From typewriters to iPads in 30 plus years. I cannot even begin to imagine where things will be in 5 years let alone 10 years. You should have your students put their predictions in a box and tell them to come back when they finish 8th or 12th grade. This would be very exciting to see the predictions and where technology is at that point in their life.
That sounds like a great idea. Since I work in a small district we only have one elementary, one middle school and one high school. It will be easy for them to come back and visit to see what predictions actually became reality. Technology is changing everyday, I can only imagine what we will encounter, it’s so exciting.
I was reminded of this from an eighth grade teacher who had students do some writing about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Once these students graduated high school, some of them were coming back asking for the papers. The district where this took place sounds very similar to the district where you are working. I am confident the students will be very excited. This would make a great writing assignment.
Thanks Kari. The “What you want to be when you grow up?” sounds like a great idea. How neat that these kids came back and asked for their papers. Working in a small district has it’s benefits. Thank you.
Mrs. Cole
was right on the money, I hope that she invested in technology back then. The
problem that I see everyone(students in particular) are becoming so dependent
on technology to do the work for them, they do not want to learn how to
“do the math” or even spell. As a junior high teacher I constantly
fought the battle of trying to engage the students and keeping learning fun. We
did not get ipads or computers in the classroom until about 2-3 years ago, as I
taught in a rural school district. Once we got the computers, we did not have
the infrastructure to handle the internet.
Where will
we be in 10 years and how do we engage the students in learning, when the
computers do it for