I attended my first Chapel Hill Blogger MeetUp last night. It was a small gathering, reported most effectively and succinctly by a “Serbian Jewish atheist liberal PhD student”. I did say this was Chapel Hill.
A Blog Around The Clock : Blogger MeetUp report:
I went to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Bloggers Meetup today. Most of the usual suspect opted out tonight, so there were only four of us there, but that did not make it any less interesting.
I had an interesting conversation with Bora about his blog and it’s association with a new science magazine, SEED. Got me thinking a lot about my association with Technology & Learning Magazine. Could be some interesting conversations with those folks at NECC (hh).
I’m in my office for a couple of hours this morning and then off the the airport and on to New Orleans for the ALA conference (hh). As is often the case, I’m there for a short period of time, making a formal presentation at the AASL President’s Event, and evening on the town with some fantastic folks from Rosen Publishing, and then on to…
…the quintessential New England town of Farmington, Connecticut and the Connecticut Association for Independent Schools (hh) conference, whose conference I will keynote on Monday. I was the keynote there last year and loved it. There are some interesting differences between independent school educators and those of public schools. I enjoy independence, obviously. I’m also doing a session on combating plagiarism, and then back to the airport for some place in Wisconsin and a porochial school conference there. More on that one later.
Technorati Tags: cais06
It was great seeing you last night!