This is a truly comprehensive conversation with a teacher, Clarence Fisher, who has been exploring pretty deeply the use of Web 2.0 in his middle school classroom.
Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech » Telling the new story Part 3 Podcast 18:
Here is the last of my interviews with teachers telling the new story of teaching and learning. Previously we heard from a grade one teacher, a high school calculus teacher and today we hear from a middle years teacher.
A great listen — and many thanks to Dean Shareski for making this available to us, through his podcast.
I think there are a lot of uses for web 2.0 concepts in schooling / education. I know our company The Real Estate License Professor is currently looking into creating web 2.0 tools to our website to allow our students to explore and create additional content that benefits the greater good of all involved with our site. It is an exciting time to be a website creater…
Tom Chambers
The Real Estate License Professor
Online real estate license exam study guides.