I just love it when the airport has free WiFi. Tucson Arizona. If you want to see what’s become of the shoe box diorama, take a look at this May 30th blog from Bud the Teacher.
Bud the Teacher: A World at His Fingertips:
What happens when your game is more than a game? How about Othello, World of Warcraft style? One of my students produced this video as his final project for my Shakespeare course this year. He chose to involve his family in the project (they help with the voice work) and to shoot the abridged performance via a network of computers in his home.
My son introduced me to machinima a couple of years ago. It is quite intriguing how these kids treat some of the video game environments as much more than a game. It becomes their backyard, so to speak, where they invite their friends to play. They got tired of Halo II after a couple of weeks and started making up their own games, using the environment and its incredible responsiveness to set the rules.
Security has just opened up. Later!
Red vs. Blue is probably the most popular.