1. Type the conference tag (#otaem12) into the search box and press [Enter] 2. Look for the most prolific, sharing and insightful people and click them. 3. Learn a little more and then click to follow… |
It’s going to be another long day, with a morning of presentations and then traveling the rest of the day from Oklahoma City to Seattle, where I’ll rent a car and drive on up to Vancouver tomorrow. But today, I’m still at the Encyclomedia conference in OC, and it’s an impressive thing – over 1,600 educators at the general session yesterday morning.
This morning I will be delivering a presentation about self-directed professional development (learning networks), pretty similar to what I did at ISTE last year. But I’ve already been asked more than once here, “How do you follow the right people on Twitter?” It’s a common question for which I have never really been satisfied with my answer – look to my a twitter page and follow who I follow, or that of Will Richardson, or Jonathan Becker.
But something occurred to me yesterday (or perhaps last week, I’m not sure) that’s probably already part of the standard practice of many of you. Rather than focusing on one person’s followings as a starting place, focus on an event, a gathering, or even an issue.
I will suggest to folks today that they go to Twitter and use the search box to find tweets tagged with #otaem12 (hash tag for the Encyclomedia conference). Then look to the people who are most frequently posting messages about the conference, linking to blog posts about the conference, or linking to resources being mentioned and demonstrated at sessions. Click to their twitter pages, and follow them.
Another great place to start would be Educon, perhaps the single greatest concentration of insightful ideas about education on the planet. Search for #educon and look for the most prolific, sharing and insightful contributors – better make a cup of coffee for this one. Understand that many of the best tweople engaged with the Educon event were not even there. But that may make them even more valuable to your following list.
It is so important to realize that a critical element of being a master learner today is the network of people you connect yourself to.
…Posted using BlogsyApp from my iPad
I hope you enjoyed being in Oklahoma. We really enjoyed your presentations and your ability to share your knowledge. Thanks so much.
I hope you got to eat at some good restaurants while you were here too.
Excellent advice here. About a year ago, I inadvertently discovered this technique while attending a local TEDx event. I was one of the only ones NOT constantly tweeting about the event, as I chose to focus all of my attention, however when I got home, checked the feed and there were around 6 individuals who we’re consistently providing valuable insights- I checked out their profile and site, and low and behold, I’m still following them now! All in all, a technique more should be following!
Hello Mr. David Warlick, I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the class EDM310 under the direction of Dr. John Strange. We have weekly assignments which are called “C4T” and this week I was assigned to your blog.
First off, I want to say that I have been asking questions to myself for a while now: “Who should I follow?” “Where can I find them?” “How often should I get on twitter?” These questions are questions I have been asking myself for a couple of weeks now, I believe you answered all of them (with the exception of “how often should I get on twitter?”)And for that, I want to thank you!
Here is the address to my personal blog (I am not entirely sure of how to “link” the address into a blog’s comment yet): http://snydertravisedm310.blogspot.com/
And here is the address to the classblog:
This C4T assignment that I am directed to do requires me to summarize this blog (and another as well) and post those to summaries as 1 blog post on my blog page. I would also like to say that I will be visiting back in about 10 days! Hope all is well and continues to go well for you!