Just Checking In

I’ve been presenting, sitting in airports, airplanes, taxis, sleeping, lately, and not writing, reading, eating (well there was that one sandwich, and that small egg patty at the hotel) — and especially stressing over getting through snowy Chicago last night and on to my final destination, the Fingerlakes region of New York.

I made it, and today I’ll be doing my standard, Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century, gig. There has been a lot said, in recent days, about telling the new story, and I haven’t even had time to read it all. But I believe that this is one of those stories. The 3Rs are part of the old story that has so locked us into a style of teaching that I believe is obsolete and even damaging to our children, in certainly ways.

This message, today, is a bout a new story of new notions of the basic skills that describe what it means to be a reader, when information is increasingly networked; what it means to be a processor of information, when information is increasingly digital; what it means to be a writer, when information is increasingly overwhelming, and the ethical implications that ride with this new shape of information.

I hope to write again very soon! 😉

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