I’ve been presenting, sitting in airports, airplanes, taxis, sleeping, lately, and not writing, reading, eating (well there was that one sandwich, and that small egg patty at the hotel) — and especially stressing over getting through snowy Chicago last night and on to my final destination, the Fingerlakes region of New York.
I made it, and today I’ll be doing my standard, Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century, gig. There has been a lot said, in recent days, about telling the new story, and I haven’t even had time to read it all. But I believe that this is one of those stories. The 3Rs are part of the old story that has so locked us into a style of teaching that I believe is obsolete and even damaging to our children, in certainly ways.
This message, today, is a bout a new story of new notions of the basic skills that describe what it means to be a reader, when information is increasingly networked; what it means to be a processor of information, when information is increasingly digital; what it means to be a writer, when information is increasingly overwhelming, and the ethical implications that ride with this new shape of information.
I hope to write again very soon! 😉
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