Maybe I’ve been Thinking Wrongly

From the Edudemic article

This is one of those ideas (confessions) that simply can’t be compressed to 140 characters.  I tried.

I ran across this Edudemic article yesterday, “An Incredible Way to Teach Music Using iPads in the Classroom,” and upon simply glancing through the pictures, a realization flashed in front of me.

I have been reluctant to share the ecstatic delight that many have expressed about iPads and the classroom.  It’s partly a sense of skepticism that I am convinced comes with age.  I would also admit that part of it might be my own investment in information and communication technologies that have become less emblematic of the digital networked world.  When did you buy your last tower computer.

Perhaps my problem is that

I’ve been comparing iPads to laptops — when I should be comparing them to pencils and papers.

Neil Johnston, in the accompanying video says that, “The great thing about the iPad is that it is so creative — Its user interface doesn’t impede progress!”  It’s an interesting statement that I’ll have to noodle a bit.  I simply need to remind myself that regardless of the surprising and celebrated increase in access to contemporary information tools in our classrooms, a vast majority of children are still trying to learn by reading stamped content and by scratching their knowledge out on paper.

The stated goal of Neil’s company, Store Van Music, is to, “..put a stop to the 80% dropout rate of students in the musical arts.”


8 thoughts on “Maybe I’ve been Thinking Wrongly”

  1. As a graduate student who is in the process of getting certified to become a teacher, I can tell you that your realization is perfectly sound. iPads and other tablets are very quickly going to be our new pens and paper. Sure there will be plenty of people out there who hold fast to their Number Two Ticonderogas and their Marble Notebooks (I was one of them, btw), but if you look at the way the world is changing you’ll see that tablets are the most logical progression.

  2. I have been implementing technology in the classroom through the use of power point presentations, overhead projectors, smart boards, video posts, and hopefully soon Ipads and other means for my 8th grade students. Although I did not grow up in a generation that uses technology more often than pens or pencils, I see that this generation relies soley on the use of technology. For me to be a better teacher and relate to the student’s more, I am working to apply technology to their homework, activities, and assignments. I agree with you in being reluctant to transition over to technology more, but this is the way of the future whether we like it or not.

  3. I tried to post on wednesday but for some reason it did not come up so I will post again. It is a funny coincidence that I have found this post this week. My school is offering grant money to pay for teachers to purchase an Ipad. When Ipad’s first came on the market I thought they were a silly idea and was not very interested in them. I was likewise the same when cell phones became mainstream. I was probably the last one in my group of friends to get one. Over the past few weeks I have talked to some of my colleagues about whether the Ipad was worth looking into. My main concern was since I have a laptop, what additional things would I need a Ipad for? To be honest I have not found enough reasons to justify buying one. Although it would be a ton of fun, I do not yet see the academic value. Does anyone have any ideas?

  4. As I have had a few days to think about this subject, I have come up with several ideas. While doing my student teaching, my coordinating teacher had a dream of having a completly textless, paperless classroom. She explained that if she had a classroom set of Ipads, her students would only need to bring their brain to the classroom. Everything thing would be downloaded and stored on the Ipad from textbooks to online notetaking journals. Quizzes and exams would also be conducted on the Ipad.

  5. Your realization is great. I am trying to wrap my head around the same thing. I am in the process of getting my teaching degree and I have a hard time thinking about the Ipad becoming our pens and paper. My problem with the Ipad is though it maybe the most logical progression, there is a way in which it is erasing the fundamental skill sets we all need.

  6. What a great point. I, too, compare them to laptops, especially since netbooks are so much cheaper than iPads. But when comparing them to the use of pencil and paper…well, that’s a whole new dichotomy. Thanks for sharing.

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