My Take on the Edutopia Article on Blogs — AARRGGH!

5:55 AM

Image from Blog On articleWill Richardson’s on the war path again. I haven’t read the article yet, but I understand his frustration. First, the Blog On article, in Edutopia’s June/July issue, uses the picture to the right to portray blogging. To be honest, I actually can’t think of any one picture that might adequately defining it. Perhaps students at their desks, or in a library, or even under a tree, with their laptops, would have been better. I don’t know and I can’t say.

But his main beef appears to be with the article’s definition of weblogs.

Blogs, short for Weblogs, are online journals filled with personal thoughts and Web links.

To be fair to journalist (and what is unfair about journalism), their challenge is that they may only be able to devote one sentence to the definition.

So how would you, Will, or anyone else, define weblogs in one sentence?

2 thoughts on “My Take on the Edutopia Article on Blogs — AARRGGH!

  1. I also cringed when I read the Edutopia article. It’s not that the author has it technically wrong. But his description when combined with the picture and other aspects of the article, makes the whole process seem quite trivial. There’s a whole lot of potential for blogging (and other interactive technologies) in teaching and learning, but this writer doesn’t want to let us in on it.

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