I am sitting in Glens Falls, New York, enjoying a wonderful winter day, working mostly with Librarians and explore blogs, wikis, podcasting, and RSS.
I’m now going to survey the group to she what they know about blogs.
100% had heard of blogs
30% say that they have read blogs
10% have a blog
10% have school/professional blogs
0% have personal blogs
This is similar to Wednesday’s survey. I’ll have more to say later.
A simple question: like email, will we soon be providing internal blogs or profile pages for all faculty, staff and students, but in a more protected manner? For example, profile pages that were only accessible by other school community members? This defeats the “world wide” aspect of blogs, and initially kids may not use them. However, a few years ago it was said that kids wouldn’t use the email accounts we created for them, but over time quality differences have lead to their school accounts being important and “serious” for their work.
Has anyone talked to “kids” who don’t like blogs?
Part of me wonders why it seems so important to keep asking adults if they know what a blog is. Shouldn’t we just tell ’em? After all, it’s the kids who are in front of them who are also using their own blogs already (30% in the UK).
I think you’re right, Ewan. I guess it creates a starting place. The fact is that only a few months ago, we would have been able to count the hands that went up when you ask teachers if they knew what a blog is.
They are learning to define it, but learning what can be done with it, and (perhaps most important) having the time and resources to put it into action remain a challenge.
I agree, that we should be coming to expect that teachers have an understanding of the contemporary information environment — stop forgiving them for holding tight to what is familiar.
I’ve found that by simply showing them how much fun THEY can have on a blog or making a podcast nearly all of my ‘victims’ have been bitten by the bug, and are writing highly reflective blogs or making their first steps in podcasting. They kind of get the information environment of today and just need shown a little further. When someone complains about not having the time it’s teacherspeak for “don’t have the inclination”. You can talk till you’re blue in the face, but by showing and involving them they eventually see why it’s worthwhile MAKING the time for it.