It’s one of those ideas that has occurred to me during those moments when a perfect example presents itself, but then loses itself in the stack of other ideas of similar birth and death. But here, at the beginning of the school year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), it seems like a good time to suggest Blog Worthy Topics. I’m thinking specifically of learner blogs, classrooms where both teacher-learner and student-learner are blogging, and sometimes looking for topics for writing, sharing, and engaging about.
So I want to suggest a Twitter hash tag, #bwtopic. I just did a search of bwtopic in Twitter and it appears to be a unique string.. So, as you encounter a newspaper or magazine article, blog post, speech, YouTube or TED video, or whatever, that seems like an appetizing topic for learners to explore and build on, then Tweet it with the hash tag #bwtopic.
We can follow the suggestions via RSS. Here is the feed (Atom) for a Twitter search for #bwtopic.
I’ll be posting this feed on the Class Blogmeister Ning network, so that teachers there will have ready access to the latest topics.
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Wonderful idea. There’s nothing more empowering for students than to be let loose on teacher moderated student blogs.
I will be posting some suggestions on Twitter but generally:
– How is blogging transforming writing and global communication?
– Why is blogging so much more exciting than writing in a private journal?
– What are the essential skills which bloggers need to know?
I am developing a greater appreciation of blogs in the classroom as I read more and more articles. The benefits seem to out way the risks as I do more research. The picture in this article speaks words to me and is so refreshing to see. Allowing a child to express themselves in a controlled environment can be a powerful thing.