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I got this one in this morning as well, Arne Duncan’s testimony on Capital Hill. I can not find that the hearing will be aired on C-Span, but I’d love to see what he says.
So let me ask you,
“If you were a member of House Education and Labor Committee, what questions would you ask our Secretary of Education?”
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I can tell you from personal experience that Education Secretary Arne Duncan does want to hear what educators have to say. I was very lucky to have him visit my school in Vermont last week. We asked him about funding, testing, keeping good teachers, and merit pay. I found him to be very genuine and open to questions. His staff told me he has an e-mail where you can submit questions: AskArne@ed.gov
You can read my reflections on his visit at my blog: http://principalofchange.wordpress.com/
I can tell you from personal experience! Arne Duncan visited my school last week as part of his Listening Tour. I found him to be very genuine and open. We asked him about testing, funding, merit pay, and keeping good teachers. You can ask him a question yourself at this address AskArne@ed.gov You can read more of my reflections on his visit at http://principalofchange.wordpress.com/
Any reason why you haven’t blogged about the budget only providing $100 million for ETT?
Must have been disappoint 😉 Read “The Bad News”
For me, it seems that one of the most indicative symptoms of what ails our education system is the atrocious dropout high school dropout rate. I’d have to ask Duncan what the Obama Administration believes would solve that problem and what the Education Department is going to do to make it happen?
Here are responses I received on Twitter:
1. Kirsten Holland — How best to redirect traditional curr benchmarks to more focal based, catering for a wider variety of studentsabout 8 hours ago from TweetDeck in reply to dwarlick
2. Kristin Fontichiaro — Q for Duncan: Miami spent $100M on pilot to extend schl day & yr. Didn’t work. You want longer days/year. ??? http://bit.ly/12iHxmabout 12 hours ago from web
3. Travis Hardert — How/why r we held captive 2 standardized testing? When will there b more $$$ tagged for gifted ed? Is year round school possible?about 13 hours ago from Twittelator in reply to dwarlick
4. John Woodring — When is the Obama Administration going to retool NCLB? Also, why are you going to cut funding for EdTech?about 17 hours ago from UberTwitter in reply to dwarlick
5. Steve J. Moore — Dear Arne, how do you think tenure in the school will change over the next decade as merit pay plays a growing role in teaching?about 17 hours ago from web in reply to dwarlick
6. Skip Zilla — Does Arne like mustard on his burger? Or is ketchup what he commonly uses?about 17 hours ago from web in reply to dwarlick
7. Hope Myers — How do we balance the need for the technological infusion in the classroom with a contraction in the economy?about 17 hours ago from twhirl in reply to dwarlick
8. jefftrudell — Why are schools that make AYP, but may be struggling financially limited to may federal grants?about 17 hours ago from Nambu in reply to dwarlick
9. animated_me — I would ask if he knew that studies show well staffed and funded school libraries raise achievement.about 17 hours ago from web in reply to dwarlick