Adrian Bruce connected me with a recent blog post (Dropping into New York) of his, where he describes a very early (1:00 AM) morning presentation he did for me about his experience with student blogging. He presented via Skype to teachers I was working with in Westport, Connecticut. I have to admit that the Skyped conversations with Bruce, and Lisa Parisi and Brian Cosby were the hits of the day.
It never fails to amaze me, the power and quality of this utility, Skype. So many of us almost take it for granted (though I don’t make nearly enough use of it), and yet, so many educators are completely unaware of it — and don’t even believe it’s possible until you show them.
The teachers I was working with in Kannapolis the other day were using it to organize impromptu staff development, learning about and how to operate new web apps.
How have you used Skype to enable and enhance learning?