How Long?

This is not an education question in the sense that we are usually discussing.  But I’m real curious.  We got an appartment for my daughter because the school she is student teaching in is so many mountain miles from her college.  My question is this…

How long before she’s not calling mom four times during the preparation of a single meal?  I can imagine that meatloaf is a complicated dish to prepare, but please….


17 thoughts on “How Long?”

  1. Get her a copy of the Joy of Cooking by Irma Rombauer. Tell it has directions on how to cook everything she will ever want to eat, including squirrel.
    Tell her it will accustom her to

    *research (looking up food in the index)
    *following directions

    These are all things, you can say, that she will need to instill in her future students.

  2. It’s called “cutting the cord.” If she is going to survive, she needs to learn how to do these “things” on her own. Unlike the previous post, she should learn to find this cookbook on HER OWN. With the amount of information available with a simple mouse click, there is no reason to need unless, of course, the cord has not been cut and she simply needs “mommy.” Of course, that is not always a bad thing.

  3. I’ve been married for 10 years now, and my wife and her mom still call each other several times a day. It might never happen.

  4. Well, as someone who works with student teachers quite frequently, maybe her neediness for her mom is a sign of the stress related to student teaching? could be a passing phase . . .

  5. My daughter is also student teaching and in her own first apartment. I wish she could call me for cooking advise but she is the better cook. This year’s big gift was the Cuisinart indoor grill with removable plates for ease of cleaning. It happened so fast. Enjoy being needed and get a dinner invitation.

  6. Reading this post is a little funny given my current status and location – student teaching, living in a house away from home. Early on, I used to call my parents quite a bit to ask the important questions: How long is milk good for after the expiration date? and How long can a full pot of spaghetti last in the refrigerator once cooked? Now, I only call once a week so my mom still knows I miss her and her cooking. (Dad could probably go a couple of weeks without receiving a phone call.)

    And, regarding an earlier post, Oodles of Noodles and PB&J get old real quick, and cookbooks aren’t really worth it because I can barely keep track of the food basics.

  7. As our daughter prepares to make us grandparents for the second time, the girls always seem to find something to call about. Our son the NY actor on the other hand, may respond to to texts, emails or voice mail when the moon is in the second house…

  8. After living with an adolescent,it is a joy when your older children think that you have something to teach them. Enjoy the moments. My daughter was using a recipe and called up and wanted a technical definition that explains the difference between simmering and boiling. She called us instead of Wikipedia. Whoa!

  9. Two techno-suggestions (Kathy jokes around):

    “Cooking Mama” for the DS Lite or Wii (there is nothing wierder than following the directions and blowing into the mic on the DS to “cool the soup”)

    And I like “Cookin’ With Google” which allows you to type in the ingredients you have on hand and presents you with recipes from the major recipe sites.


  10. When my daughter got married she moved to Oregon. I live in Connecticut. We had dinner together at least once a week. How did we do it? We agreed to cook the same meal on the same night. We should all have your problem. Enjoy.

  11. I’m 31, live in the same town as my mother, and still call her quite often to ask how to make something. I will say – not as much as I did when I first was on my own, but now that I’m married…I don’t want to embarass myself in front of my husband! In otherwords…I can’t help you because I still call my mother! 😉

  12. Ahh, I remember these days so well. Mom still gets the occasional call about a meal but usually it has more to do with conversation than a question. I got a subscription to the cooking for two magazine and the Betty Crocker cook book have served well! Also send her the link to It has been a life saver on those nights when cooking after student teaching all day seemed impossible.

  13. Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it you’ll be counting the weeks and before you hear from her at all. And what are you going to do when she announces that she’s moving back home after graduation?

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