E-Paper is Near…

Livescribe Paper ReplayI got this note yesterday from my friend, Jeff Whipple, in Fredericton, Canada.

I have heard a lot about e-paper over the last couple of years, but hadn’t really seen much evidence as to the possibilities of it replacing traditional paper – until now.

You can read the rest of his notes at his blog, Whip Blog… and also view his YouTube insert of a video that demos (animated) Paper Replay.

I see this and other advances in digital learning as an increasingly widening divide not only between the individual digital haves and have nots, but a growing divide between schools that operate on personal access to digital content and schools that do not.

8 thoughts on “E-Paper is Near…”

  1. Clever! This tool could quickly become a must have for a certain population of learners. Assistive digital technology. Certainly could make denials “obsolete.” The assumption that you could easily be challenged by someone who took audio notes would be a powerful deterrent!

  2. Wow, that looks impressive. But, on the demo video it shows that the pen can record a voice from across a lecture hall. If the mic on the pen is really that sensitive, it’s going to pick up a whole lot of unwanted sounds.

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