I can remember the excitement that we felt and expressed at the NC State Department of Public Instruction, when we heard that Jim Goodnight, CEO of SAS Institute, was starting a tech-rich independent school in Cary — Cary Academy. A paradoxically traditional looking campus, Cary Academy has sense distinguished itself for its instructional use of ICT, it’s careful selection of faculty from around the world and the spirit of innovation, that does not seem to have faded, as they recent initiated a 1:1 program issuing tablet PCs to their students.
That Cary Academy has its own Wikipedia article says a lot.
I’ve been asked to speak to the faculty today, a singular honor, and one that leaves me humbled — and just a little nervous. My topics will revolve around the new web, also known as Web 2.0, and contemporary literacy. The basic structure that I will wrap my presentation around is three conditions that are converging in our classrooms, and when realized and harnessed, can turn classrooms into learning engines, and consequently instill in students a learning lifestyle.
This school looks absolutely awesome – maybe a future place for my children when I decide to relocate down there in a few years! I know it was a mutual honor for the faculty.
David- Thank you for the outstanding presentation today and for sharing your ideas re: classrooms as learning engines to our faculty. I liked your concept of a learning lifestyle as opposed to the concept of lifelong learning… I intend to strive to get each one of my 7th graders on the road to developing their own learning strategy within the concept of the learning lifestyle.
Cheers and safe travels…
Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.- Hebrew Proverb
Maybe you’ll post that presentation under a CC license?
I’m sure many of us would love a dekko.