Flash from the Past

Just took my son to the Honda place.  He just got his drivers license and will need something reliable for college.  But he’s only been driving for 2 months, and both kids are required to drive the Volvo for at least six-months. 

My main reason for going, though, was to see the old 1972 Honda Coupe they have on the display floor.  I haven’t seen one in years.  No decades.  In fact, I looked for a picture on flickr a while back and then on the web and couldn’t find a single decent image.

So here’s my contribution.  I had a friend in college who owned one.  As I recall, it used a motorcycle engine, which my friend could mechanic.  The main thing I remembered about them was that from behind, it looked like a scuba mask.

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4 thoughts on “Flash from the Past”

  1. The first car I owned also had a simple engine that I could “mechanic”. My stepdad read the stats about how women were charged at least 25% more than men for the same car repairs, and was determined to protect me against that sort of con, so he taught me how to do the simple stuff myself. It used to cause much hilarity in the neighbourhood that I could be seen knitting a jumper one minute and changing the plugs, points, condenser and oil the next. One guy even drove into a tree rubbernecking at the sight of me head first under the bonnet of my car setting the timing!

  2. Now that brings back memories. I can remember when I only took to the car to the mechanics if I couldn’t figure out how to fix it first — or to clean up the mess I made trying to fix it.

    Well cars were much simpler then.

  3. Hello,
    May I ask where this Honda place is? This looks very similar to what my parents had when I was a kid (Honda N600 – I don’t know if the name was the same here in the U.S., since I was living in Japan at that time).
    Thanks for the great photos!

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