I’m back in Phoenix, working with the Cartwright School District (in the air all day yesterday reading — with nearly everyone else on the plane). When I was here last, the first year teachers were not able to attend my presentations, because they were engaged in a special staff development program. So today is dedicated to teachers who will be starting their first year in Cartwright, most of them first year teachers. There will also be administrators on hand, but the main focus will be on first years.
I was asked to mix-up my presentation, with parts millennial learners and contemporary literacy. I’m looking forward to this session, in no small part due to the fact that many, if not most, of my audience will be millennials. It has taken a long time to sink in that my audiences are no longer exclusively of my generation. Many of them are much closer to my children’s age and their world view is probably quite different from mine.
I suspect that I’ll be doing some reporting on this experience.
Then — on Sunday, I will be addressing a group of state education leaders, most of whom are closer to my age. They are in high leadership roles and are focused on much bigger pictures than just integrating technology. My focus will be fairly narrow. But I will have some leeway in how I will couch my message.
So, I’d like to hear from you. If you had five second in the elevator with, say, your state superintendent, what would you say?
Knowing that many of my readers (including myself) would be better off jamming the elevator so that you’ll have a good ten paragraphs, I’m removing the elevator jam button. I would like you to comment in my chat app (my attempts to integrate Twitter-type interaction in my workshops). I’ve set up a separate chat page for this post, and want to urge you to go to the YourComments page and post your 5-second elevator pitch.
In the spirit of the Twit, I’ve limited the text field to only 140 characters. My hope is to make the comments available to the audience on a wiki page.
Again, click YouComments to post your 140 character ideas.
Sigh. No love for Generation X.
You should have called; I would have treated to a Jackalope Burger.
Nice photo of downtown Phoenix, missed the rolling sand dunes on the west side of town 😉