Looking Forward >>>

This is a photo by Puerto Rican artist, Reavel, that showed up when I did a creative commons search on flickr for forward.  Read on to understand why.

Perhaps I came off a bit over zealous yesterday, in my post about teaching students to memorize.  I’m not suggesting that because we carry laptops and net-connected mobile phones around with us, we (educators) can all go home.  Far from it.  I think that our jobs just got a whole lot richer and more interesting, as several readers implied in their comments yesterday.  What I am suggesting is that the education that many of us were brought up in assumed a scarcity of information, and therefore, relied heavily on our brain’s ability to memorize.  It was a central part of education.  ..and for the past several years, we, in the U.S., have come to over-emphasize memorization rather than reshape education to reflect a much more abundant information environment — because memorized information is easier and cheaper to test.

I agree that having to constantly look up facts in the workplace will not be productive.  However, I suspect that those facts that are crucial to one’s work will be learned fairly quickly, as we will come to memorize what we need to in the work place.  It’s why I’m suggesting different kinds of questions and/or different kinds of assignments that are more workplace-like — more relevant.  These assignments might be designed to require students to memorize some listing of information in order to perform.

Ditto to Ewan Macintosh, who’s original post (Sparknotes straight to mobile) sparked this conversation.  I agree about the value of Sparksnotes and Cliffnotes to help students answer those questions of meaning from their teachers.  However, if those teacher questions asked for conversations among students, rather than just answers, then each student becomes personally responsible to the class for their answers, and the answers that they share become building blocks for greater knowledge — and I suspect that Sparknotes would not be sufficient for this.  Does this make sense? 

I agree that we need a balance, but that balance needs to be wrapped around today’s information landscape. ..and I fear that too many teachers and curriculum developers are shaping their work around the way they’ve always done it, more than the shape of today’s information.

Another commenter suggests that the best defense against getting the wrong information from your research is a proper context, some prior general knowledge of the topic — and I agree.  But memorization is not the only way or even the best way to do this.  Many years ago, I helped my daughter study for a test about the American Civil War.  We talked about it, using the textbook as our base.  I read through the chapter and we talked about why the south and the north fought the war, what their advantages and disadvantages were, and what they would each gain by winning.  At the end, she knew about that war, could talk about it, and could answer good questions about that period of U.S. history.  Yet she made a 52 on the test, because she couldn’t name the dates of the major battles of that war — and this was a GOOD teacher.  I suspect though, that should was probably better prepared to conduct further research and further self-teaching about the Civil War than many of her classmates who had memorized dates.

Finally, Steve Ladan, an educator in the Philippines, asks about what they should be teaching where students do not have convenient access to computers and the Internet.  That’s a big question, bigger than me.  But I continue to believe that the answer to all of this lies in our notions of what it means to be literate today, the skills required to use information to accomplish goals (my definition).  Certainly those skills include the ability to read, to independently perform basic calculations, and write a coherent paragraph.  But it also means the ability to:

  • skillfully and resourcefully find the information that is appropriate to your task,
  • to decode the information from one format to another,
  • to evaluate that information to determine its value, and
  • to organize the information in ways that add value.

It means being able to process information when it comes in numbers, but also when it comes as images, sound, or video.  All digital information is processable.

It means not merely being able to write a coherent paragraph, but how to express your knowledge and ideas compellingly, using not only the written word but the digitized and networked word, and images, and sound, and video.

I believe that these are all basic skills, and that teaching them does not only happen in front of a computer.  The most important parts happen during conversations in the classroom.  For instance, when a student asks a question in class, we (teachers) might say, “How should we go about finding the answer to that question,” rather than simply answering it — teaching students to learn to rely on their own resourcefulness.  When a student answers a question or turns in a report, the teacher might ask, “How do you know that that is true?” The student who expects that kind of question becomes responsible for the quality of the research, not just the paper he turns in.

I suspect that parts of this can happen without a computer in every student’s hand.  But they need some level of access to digital networked information.  Do you have a computer in your classroom?  How do you invite that technology into your conversations?  Do you have Internet in your classroom?  How do you connect it to your classroom instruction?  What is the availability of cyber cafes?  How might you introduce a learning culture into them, or the local cyber cafes into the culture of your school?  I don’t know the answers to these questions, because I’m not there.  But I think that you have to use what you have and believe that the rest will come — faster than may seem logical today.  It’s a problem that we face in much of the U.S. as well — though it’s not because we can’t afford it.

It’s because we’re not looking forward, and I guess that’s what I’m suggesting that we all do.

Image Citation:
Reavel, “Look Forward.” Reavel’s Photostream. 14 Oct 2006. 3 Jan 2007 <http://flickr.com/photos/reavel/269287145/>.

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4 thoughts on “Looking Forward >>>”

  1. Dave:

    I agree with your process, but I would look at it a little more like a continuum like Bloom’s Taxonomy or Willard Daggett’s writings. That we are asking students to interact with information in a different way. We are not asking them to ‘posesss’ a group of facts that was considered relevant in the past, as you mentioned in a previous post that there wasn’t many books, etc. for individuals to refer back to. The next step, as you identify with your statements in this post, is to synthesize the information available. The last part of the process would be to ‘apply’ information in new and different ways to ‘acomplish the goals’ that arise. Which is what you identify in your statement of making assignments more like the tasks they will encounter in their work world.

    I did a project with my Computer Systems Design Class a few weeks ago, where they had to build a computer from scratch. They had to identify a client and based on that client’s needs, they were given a budget. They then had to go and find parts at ‘e-commerce’ sites and provide a prospectus for their client. They also had to provide hyperlinks back to the site they used so I could check their work and compatibility issues. I have done this project for a few years, but this is the first time, they completed the project using an online Word processor and I posted their work for everyone in the class to see.


    Is this something like what you are thinking about?

    Kyle Brumbaugh

  2. I love it. This is very much what I’m talking about, where your students have a real world task, and have to process all kinds of information in order to accomplish the goal, for a real (even if make-believe) audience. Excellent!

    — dave —

  3. Great insights Dave! I’d just like to mention that I am an educator only of myself = I am not a teacher. I draw my insights from my experiences as a student here.

    About what Kyle is doing, I believe this has more benefits for students more than teaching them to process all kinds of information. Giving students real-world stuff to do is a gesture of trust. The implicit message is, “hey kids, I believe in your ability to actually do stuff so here’s a problem that’s bugging our school/town/city/country; how do we fix this?”

    It boosts the students’ self-esteem as well as giving them a sense of empowerment – that they can really do something. Both of which, in turn, inspire them to “study” more.

  4. I found it interesting how you coached your daughter for her civil war test. When I was a high school student in South Africa, we studied in the same manner, and in the tests, had to write more essay type answers – discussing the broader issues of a topic. Then I came to the States in College and basically flunked my first history test for the exact same reason your daughter did – I knew all about the war, the background, the reasons, motivations; and the highlights of different battles etc etc but couldn\\\’t give the trivia – dates and other specific information I couldn\\\’t believe they were even asking!! (one word, fill-in-the-blank type too). Anyway, you can be sure I studied completely differently for my next test and did a whole lot \\\’better\\\’ LOL! (better in one sense but of course don\\\’t ask me to reproduce ANY of the information NOW.)

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