4th of July Blog

7:11 AM

For those readers outside of the U.S., on this day, we celebrate the signing of our Declaration of Independence. With this act, a few courageous men set this country on a path toward freedom from monarchy, and an experiment in self governance and an economy based on working to achieve our enlightened self interests.

I am not going to talk about my country’s glorious successes, of which there are many. That will be done by others today, more eloquently than I could. They will talk, in their speeches, about heros. They will speak about the deserving heros of war, those who have made the supreme sacrifice and especially those men and women who risk their health and their lives today protecting not only our freedom but the freedom of others.

In this space, I want to make a statement about those men and women who will not be mentioned in today’s city-part speeches, people who work day after day, in thankless jobs, assuring that this country succeeds — people who are equally responsible for the greatness of this country. Most do not risk their physical well-being, but they do spend their days, months, and years in jobs that are not exciting, working for significantly less pay than their corporate counterparts, with little or no opportunities for monetary advancement. But they work, none the less, to make sure that this country succeeds for its people and the dreams that our forefathers inspired. It is hard work, and men and women do that work every day.

So if you know a government bureaucrat, thank that person today for their daily efforts in making sure that roads are built and maintained, that we are protected from the occasional greed that can risk our health, and to assure that all U.S. citizens have the opportunities to achieve their dreams. If you know a police officer or fire fighter, thank that person for their work and their risks in keeping us safe. If you know a school teacher, thank that person today for their work and their creativity in helping our children to be prepared for tomorrow’s challenges.

And if you hear someone talking disparagingly about government and government workers, if you hear people complaining about how there taxes are too high, and criticize people who seek to invest in our country’s future, do not thank them. Because they are not patriots.

10 thoughts on “4th of July Blog”

  1. “And if you hear someone talking disparagingly about government and government workers, if you hear people complaining about how there taxes are too high…”
    “…do not thank them. Because they are not patriots.”

    David, I agree with much you speak, but I know that this great country was built by those who did complain about taxes and poor government. When you sit by and not question things around you that may need to be questioned, then you are not a patriot, either.

    Happy 4th of July!

  2. Agreed, Casey! Sometimes in making a point succinctly, your point gets misunderstood. I’m will be the first to speak out against my government when I believe that it is doing harmful things for the wrong reasons. I have done so.

    It is the cynical belief that government in general is wrong. I have worked in state government and have seen how difficult it has become for dedicated and talented people to do important work because of unfounded suspicions, budget cuts, and downsizings. In some instances it is government offices who are stirring up the suspicions, having been elected with promises that government has gotten too big.

    I believe that there are services, education among them, that are simply to important to our country’s success/survival to be left to the market place. It’s why we have government.

    Thanks for your note and for the continuing conversation.

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