Another Conference I’m Thrilled About

There is another conference that I am thrilled about. You see, I have suspected for many years that a consultant is someone who talks funny. I have worked extensively in the northeast, the mid-west, California, the Southeast, but for years found it nearly impossible to get gigs in my native South.

Inroads have been made. Florida took a few years, but I’ve spoken a few times there now. Georgia a couple of times, and once in Alabama, Tennessee. North Carolina has been very kind to me. But Virginia, aside from some work for the Department of Ed, and South Carolina have both remained elusive and they have both been on my list of professional goals, “I want to speak at these conferences!”

SouthCarolina’s premier educational technology conference is designed topromote the use of educational technology to enhance student learning.The mission of EdTech Techno Safari 2006 is to bring educators,administrators, technology professionals, college faculty and staff,public and academic librarians, business and industry trainers,industry representatives and policy makers together to think, discuss,listen and learn the best strategies to plan for, implement, and useeducational technology in our schools.


Next month I’ll be one of the keynote speakers at the South Carolina EdTech conference. I’ve been lobbying for this one for years, perhaps decades. It’s been a small conference, but apparently growing, expecting in excess of a 1000 attendees this year. Plus, it’s held in Myrtle Beach, which was the beach that my family went to when I was young, and the home of Beach Music (though that particular music genre was invented in my home town).

But I am particularly excited to be presenting in South Carolina, because that is the state that I taught in. For nearly ten years I worked in Chesterfield County, teaching Math, Science, and mostly Social Studies, and it is a thrill to be coming back. Even though most of the teachers I worked with have long since retired, it will be a great symbolic experience for me.

If I have any readers in South Carolina who will be attending the conference, please blog the event. Tag your blogs and flickr photos with scedtech, scedtech06, and/or scedtech2006. The conversation will be available at hitchhikr. Oh yeah! Please come up and say hello. I’m so looking forward to this one, Ya’ll!

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One thought on “Another Conference I’m Thrilled About”

  1. I’ll be one of the fellow SC folks in Myrtle Beach. If you remember, drop by he volunteer booth (which I think also serves presenter checkins…though I’m posiive Don Cantrell will be taking care of you personally!) where I will be busy trying to make sure all the sessions have facilitators and other areas where volunteers serve covered. When advertising in my district as well as some other list serv avenues for volunteers, I used your name as a GREAT reason to plan to attend. I’ve heard you before through NECC conferences, and was so excited to find out you were coming to EdTech in SC. I hope I’ll be able to blog our annual conference too, as yes, it is a growing opprounity for educators, and one I’m very proud of. (Blogging is somewhat new to me, but I love Bloglines love to see your posts and flickr material!!) Two years ago I was invited to give a 3 day workshop in a small Tennessee district because a Tennessean came to my session. So I know we have out of state attendees. I JUST CAN’T wait for this conference.

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