The Heights of NECC and Regrets

 47 183858873 434Aa73060NECC is over for most of us and this day could be the quietest day of the summer among edudigitals. We’re tired. Some of us are lagged. Some are still navigating airports as they are traveling home to distant continents. I’m working today, because I’m back in Warren County tomorrow, off to a state technology conference in Tennessee on Tuesday, and then the family goes up to Western Carolina University to see my daughter be inducted into Pi Gamma Mu, an honor society for students of the social sciences. I continue to be amazed that my children continue to excel. Well, knowing my wife makes it seem less unbelievable.
Hands down, the best thing about NECC this year was the conversations. Going face-to-face with very smart people taught me so many new ideas and opportunities and also taught me more about my own thinking. I return both fatigued and energized. Many of the people I talked with said the same thing, that it was the networking that was the value. It makes me wonder if the birds-of-a-feather concept should be expanded, perhaps to three hours a day, overlapping some of the sessions.

My regrets are the conversations that I missed. There were so many people whom I’ve come to know through e-mail and blogging, who I didn’t take the time to get to know in person at NECC — some from oceans away. Terry Freedman is one I’d love to have had tea with, one on one. Obviously a very smart man with much experience with education to share. There were many more, including Jeff Utecht, from Shanghai. He blogs also about missing conversations.

I was expecting to find a new conversation. A conversation that I feel needs to happen in education. A conversation that isn’t just about technology, but about the changing nature of our students, our classrooms, and our society. I found it in likely places with David Warlick and Will Richardson’s presentations, but beyond those I didn’t feel it. I saw a lot of technology being used and sold in the same way it has been for the past 20 years.

I agree, Jeff, that the overwhelming conversation continues to be about the technology, the machine, and not the experiences that our students are having with the technology. I enjoyed very much, the blogger meet-up that Dave Jakes and Will Richardson organized for us. But I would like, for Atlanta, to have a continuous blogger meet-up, a coffee shop or something where we could meet any or every evening or afternoon, to get together, debrief, blog, and hopefully expand the conversation.

Have a very safe trip home Jeff and everyone else. Keep telling the new story 😉

2¢ Worth…

Photo Citation:
Wilson, Tim. “Apple Booth.” TimWilson’s Photostream. 7 Jul 2006. 9 Jul 2006 <>.

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14 thoughts on “The Heights of NECC and Regrets”

  1. David,

    It was great to meet you in person and our conversations will continue. Like you I’m kicking myself for the conversations that I didn’t have, but in the end there is only so many hours in the day. Our conversations will continue on blogs, in podcasts, in wikis and other places. I guess in the end that’s what counts, that the conversation continues to evolve, and we continue to spread the message that these tools and these social networks change everything.

    Thanks for the conversation,


  2. Hi David

    As always — it was great to see youat NECC. Perhaps next time, we might have more time to chat.

    I look forward to seeing you at Lausanne Laptop in TN next week, July 16 – 19th. It is a wonderful confenence. Come prepared for good food and great people!

    I was one of the huddled masses at your session Wednesday AM. Wow, was that not an hour of power???!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work!!
    Jennifer Wagner

  3. I wasn’t at NECC but I can tell you that the information I was able to get from the conference because of Hitchhikr, blogs and podcasts was invaluable to me. I spent most of my evenings last week poring over the information. I will definitely be telling a new story in my school district this year because of that. As Jeff said, the conversations will continue. All of you who attended and blogged, did podcasts and put pictures on Flickr have started conversations that you don’t even know about, conversations that will probably have gotten many of us going in a new direction. Thanks to all of you!

  4. It does not surprise me one bit that your children are brilliant- and I don’t even know your wife. You continue to take me down paths that no one in my county has traveled. You are my hero!
    Thanks for all the info from the conference. I spent many hours this week listening and reading. Now my goal is to pass what I have learned to the powers in charge.

  5. David,
    As someone who kept up on the goings on at NECC through blogs and Hitchhikr, I find it surprising to hear that much of the conference was devoted to the way things have always been. What you say is so accurate – we need to involve the kids in the conversations and discussing how THEY are using the technology. Their creativity amazes me and their patience with those of us who are digital immigrants is impressive as well.

  6. David:

    I wasn’t able to attend NECC, due to the economic necessities of being a homeowner on California and summer school, but your blog and those of others who seem to understand where things are going. Not that you or anyone else has all of the answers, but you at least have the compass pointing in the right direction. I think your comments about Jeff Utecht’s post are especially work noting. Will Richardson picked up on them as well. The question becomes, how to create critical mass to make the two-way Internet become a critical part of the educational process? I keep putting it out infront of our teachers faces, hoping that some will eventually give it a try. I am also trying to create a set of tutorials, that will allow teachers to take small steps toward integration and allowing their students to take the lead in small ways to blaze the trail for them.

  7. David,

    I finally got to put a real face on your name at the session on Wednesday am in San Diego. Now I can put a soft southern voice with the words. Your session was so informative…just too short!

    Mary Catton
    Lone Tree, CO

  8. David, thanks for the conversations and always staying focused on student learning. I have learned so much from you and others in the edublogosphere this year, more than I have in the last 10 years. I want to be able to harness that same type of learning for our students. It was such a pleasure to meet you and all the other outstanding thinkers I admire at the the edublog meetup. Thanks to you and others for sharing your ideas and thoughts to keep all of us thinking and sharing about how to best engage our students in meaninful, engaged, authentic learning.

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