A New Story Wiki

Hack the Story Wiki PageDiscussions about The New Story have grown, and it has spread in lots of different directions. As I suggested last week in More on The New Story, a wiki page might be helpful to us, especially in the challenge that we devise some compelling new stories that teachers might tell to the parents who attend their open house in the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year.

The wiki page is up, and I invite you to come to http://newstory.davidwarlick.com/ and add your ideas and your further insights about the compelling stories that will affect education reform.

To add a new story, click the edit link (#1), indicated in the included image. You can also add to a growing document about the new story, by clicking the edit link (#2) and including your insights or by clicking the existing hyperlinks in the section to delve more deeply into our changing world.

Hack the story!

3 thoughts on “A New Story Wiki”

  1. I wonder how many schools will block this wiki because of the word hack in the URL? It made it through mine but I can’t post it to del.icio.us because of that.

    It is a shame and irritating but something you might want to think about in future titles.

  2. Thanks for setting this up David – I’ll do some hacking over Easter… 🙂

    It’s very timely because our school curriculum team has recently been talking about our need to tell new stories… Teachers are doing many innovative things but in rushed conversation we fall back too easily to old patter and cliches.

    After spending two years examining our values, purposes and outcomes then agreeing on new learning , teaching and assessment principles we are moving full steam into implementation. Unfortuately many teachers are just seeing the steam and can’t make out the destination – not a comfortable place to be…

    Following Senge’s U-Process model we are hesitant about painting vivid pictures of possible destinations (assuming we even could) because from our current place we will probably limit the possibilities. What we can do however is look at emerging themes and new stories…

    We think there are several levels where new stories are needed:

    1. Teacher talk with students and their parents
    2. Teacher ‘off-campus’ conversation with colleagues and friends
    3. Staff professional dialogue – emerging themes in curriculum at subject, learning area and whole school levels
    4. Newsletters and the media – telling new stories to the community
    5. ‘Marketing’ with new slogans and symbols

    Thanks for opportunity to think this through a little more.

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