Are they addicted to their technology?

This from a recent Mashable post,

It’s clear that today’s students rely heavily on electronic devices even when they’re not incorporated in the class room. In one survey of college students, 38% said they couldn’t even go 10 minutes without switching on some sort of electronic device. ((Kessler, Sarah. “How Students Use Technology.”Mashable. Mashable, Inc., 10 Aug 2011. Web. 11 Aug. 2011. <>.))

As a writer, I know how we try to seek out words and wording for impact readers, so it is possible that Sarah Kessler did not mean to imply some sort of Un-natural relationship between students and their devices. Yet that’s what it sounds like and I suspect it’s what some people want to hear, that “my child is addicted to his cell phone!”

Is this three individuals or a meeting that’s larger than it appears? (Flickr photo (cc) by Susan NYC

I don’t know, but it makes more sense to me that they can’t go “10 minutes without switching on some sort of electronic device,” not because they want to listen to a hum or see the glow. It’s because that device is where their friends are. Perhaps asking how long they can go without their tech is more like asking, “How long could you last in solitary confinement?” Possibly, my generation could last longer, but there’s probably less reason for alarm in that. (TINTSTWSNBV) ((This is not to say that we should not be vigilant))

As an aside, the blog entry I’ve quoted includes an infographic.  If you want to read it, I would suggest that you do so with a critical eye and especially with the intent of the publishers in mind.  My concerns were best described by Dan Meryer in Stop Linking to “Top 100 Blogs” Lists.

4 thoughts on “Are they addicted to their technology?”

  1. Met because too hastily, because the wind Saika butterflies for the flowers. Then no little looking, but no trace of the Imagination. How to how to return it, dim in the rain —— acquaintance

  2. The problem I see is this, students are no longer engages in the classroom. With many kids no participating or paying attention because the cellphone and social media sites becoming a distraction. But it is also unrealistic to think that schools can ban cellphones in the classroom is also out of the question. Students will have their cellphone whether or not rules permit usage. There needs to be a medium, that keeps the student engaged in schools because they feel they need to connected to this social network outside of the classroom.

  3. Mr. Warlick- I like how your addressing this problem because this very much relates to my school. This connects to me because most of my friends have cellphones and they cant go 10 minutes without checking it. Even in class i see students checking their cellphones. This really affects education because for that time it takes them to check their cellphone the student could miss a very important detail. All over the world in schools kids who have cellphones cant stop looking at them or texting. The picture you have included looks very familiar because in my school on our unscheduled when you walk around most of what you see is students faces down looking at their cellphones. I have a cellphone but i don’t look at it very often usually when i look at it I’m checking the time or I’m board. Over all i really like how you talked about this and a very good picture and caption to really explain.

  4. Mr. Warlick

    I like how you addressed this problem because this relates to my friends, family, and my self. I can relate to this myself because when I do my homework I get distracted very easily and either play games on the computer or I will text someone. I see people use phones all the time and sometimes its during class and its very distracting. Education is a time to learn and not get distracted by phones because during the day our minds need to be focused on our work and not focused on our lives. Many people bring their phones to school, but turn them off while others leave it at home. I need my phone to call my mom to pick me up after football. I think phones are a device to get something done for work or to have a parent pick you up. All over the world in kids are texting at the dinner table during a car ride and even during a movie. I have seen people do this all the time and when you are sitting in the front of the theatre and take out your phone a beam of light comes directly from your spot and people get annoyed. I noticed the picture you included and I relate this to my school. because during passing time or off periods people are texting the entire time. I have a phone but when I use it its either to ask someone if they can hang out or its just texting people in my free time. I really enjoyed reading your post and i am happy you brought up this great point.

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