Less Authority – What a Relief

I arrived at my destination about 15 minutes later than I’d intended to because I kept stopping to take pictures.
[Click to Enlarge]

It has become apparent to me over the past few weeks, that my blog, 2¢ Worth, has declined in its ranking/cred/authority/whatever, which I’ve known was going to happen.  There were, at one time, a  handful of educator-bloggers who were hammering out their daily experiences, reflections, and wisdom.  Many of them have retained their position — and for very good reason.

But now, there are many more young teacher-philosophers, who have taken up the challenge to articulate, through their daily writings, a new way of thinking about teaching and learn for this very interesting time in which we live.  They’re smart!  They are talented writers!  ..and I’ve never really consider myself that much of either.

For me, I never aimed to be a “Top 5K,” A-dog blogger, and never felt comfortable under that kind of limelight.  I say in the “about” page of this blog,

(My blog) is a diary of my greater mind, my experiences, observations, and reflections, mixed in with the responses of an eclectic community of readers — who are often the smarter part of me. It is a conversation. I blog to learn.

So, I’m going to relax a bit — and without apology, I’ll write about the comfort of a small airport, the changing of the leaves, the frustrations of rootlessness, and those frequent conversations with educators, who alter my thinking in profound ways.

I’ve always taken my work and my mission very seriously.  That’s not changing.  But I’ve never really taking myself all that seriously — and I’d like to treat my blog just that way.

The pennies keep falling.  Some will be shinny, and some will be sharp…

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8 thoughts on “Less Authority – What a Relief”

  1. It’s not just about the blog. I have subscribed to your blog and read it religiously for a long time and will continue to do so. It’s your overall message. Yours is a pwerful one.

    I’ve learned so much from you. But more than anything, I love to hear you speak in person. I’m looking forward to having that opportunity again at Tech Forum Northeast later this month. You are always gracious when I come up and introduce myself and say hello and thank you.


  2. ‘So, I’m going to relax a bit — and without apology, I’ll write about the comfort of a small airport, the changing of the leaves, the frustrations of rootlessness, and those frequent conversations with educators, who alter my thinking in profound ways.’

    I think blogging should be that way, striving for a balance between the mind and heart, the journey and the quest, what’s urgent and whimsical.

    ‘The pennies keep falling, some shiny and sharp…’ Well put!

  3. Hi Dave,

    You were one of the first bloggers I read and 2 Cents has never been dropped from my reader. I look forward to the places your new relaxed style of blogging takes you.

    Keep writing!


  4. Smiles — patiently waiting for those pictures of the changing leaves.

    We enjoy whatever you write, David, and we learn from whatever you write.

    Tell us stories, we are all ears.


      1. David,
        As overloaded as my reader is, you are always at the top of my list. Yes, there are now many more of us sharing our voices in the edublogosphere, but I know I am here in part because of you.

        It is comforting to read that even my edtech heroes get caught up in the Technorati thing sometimes. Thank you for admitting it and for modeling an approach we all should take, blog from the heart, not from the ego.

  5. David, I know exactly how you feel. This past weekend, I switched from my blog at http://www.edsupport.cc/mguhlin (which http://mguhlin.net pointed to) to my new throwaway Blogger blog at http://mguhlin.blogspot.com. If you go to http://mguhlin.net, that’s where you end up–on Blogger.

    Wow, what a difference! Since Technorati calculates my rankings based on the edsupport.cc domain, the new location for Around the Corner Blog is now 4 million down. Woohoo!! It’s great to be out of the Technorati ratings game, and I won’t make the top 25 edubloggers list Dr. Scott McLeod maintains, which he bases on Technorati. That is not what blogging is about anyways.

    So, I’m finding myself writing with greater freedom and abandon than I have in quite awhile, and my Muse, like a frightened poodle huddling in its crate, is slowly sticking it’s head out. I also like the GUI editor on blogger; lack of it on Thingamablog was driving me crazy.

    Like Lisa Thumann, I’m also looking forward to seeing and hearing you again. David “Pied Piper” Warlick…where will you lead us next? (wink)


  6. Your “decline” might only be because your feed changed….at least in my case. I noticed that the Reader hadn’t presented me with any new Warlicks for a long time. When I had time to check it out, I discovered what I’d been missing. Your blog is one of the staples in my diet of inspiring, eyeopening, keep-up-with-the real-world reads.

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