Tell Congress to Support Ed Tech Funding

For readers outside the U.S., I apologize for this Amero-centric post. I wonder, though, if it is a uniquely American state of affairs, where educators have to be urged, at all levels, to beg for funding.  I know that it isn’t.  But, never the less, it is very sad.

Children + Technology = America's FutureETAN (EdTech Action Network) has posted an online tool that will enable you to easily send a letter of support to congress, urging them to return the funding of EETT back to it’s FY2005 levels. Once again, Bush is attempting to zero out the entire program. Here’s part of ETAN’s message, which can be read here in its entirety.

The President’s proposed FY09Budget again calls for the total elimination of critical education technology funding. Specifically, the President’s Budget would zero out the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program, cutting education technology funding by $267.4 million. Before the House and Senate put forth their budget proposals, we urge you to send a letter to your congressional representatives asking them to save EETT.

You can go to the site and enter your zip code to send your message directly to your representatives, or use the form tool I’ve posted on my sidebar to the right.

We need to make it heard that we want for our children the education that they deserve.

Here is another part of the ETAN page, with suggestions that it be sent to friends:

Did you know that the Bush Administration is intent on eliminating education technology funding? I find it so surprising that elected officials would want to do such a thing when we’re at a critical place as a Nation in terms of how we match up with others in a global economy. I personally don’t want to see our country fall behind when it comes to technology and innovation in the classroom – America needs to stay competitive! That’s why I went to to send a letter to my Members of Congress. It was really easy – just one click and I made my voice heard! I encourage you to do the same and join me to spread the word!

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3 thoughts on “Tell Congress to Support Ed Tech Funding”

  1. I think that it is equally important that we get this budget passed. As a future educator myself, I think being able to incorporate technology, something even as simple as allowing students to be able to use computer labs, is critically important for their development. Bush has pushed his ?No Child Left Behind? Act, and I really do not think that he really realizes that by not allowing the budget to go up, that children will in fact be left behind. Our world today is vastly improving its technology; everyday something new is introduced into our everyday lives. By not letting these children have this opportunity to learn and learn new technologies and what you can do with them, then they will, in fact, be left behind. I support the idea of getting this budget passed, because we are in desperate need of making sure our students stay on top of what their education is offering them.

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