Presenting at Large

Most of my presentations are fairly geographic in focus.  They happen at a place and at a time, and for only a few people.  On Tuesday, December 11, I’ll be doing an online Webinar for ISTE, called “The Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Blogging.” ( 1 pm Pacific / 2 pm Mountain / 3 pm Central / 4 pm Eastern)

ISTE | Classroom Blogging:

It is a sign of our times that such an awkward term as “blogging” should integrate itself so quickly and so powerfully into our culture. This session will acquaint educators with the concept of weblogs (blogs), ways that they are affecting many aspects of our culture, and strategies for using weblogs to promote better teaching and learning. Participants will also learn how to provide a safe and secure blogging experience for students.

I have to confess that I do not actually look forward to these things.  Not sure if it’s my age, various cognitive disabilities, or what; but I’m actually not very comfortable working virtually.  I don’t even have a UStream account.  But once I get in to the event, and accustomed to the exchange, I find that I’m having fun — and the time goes by too fast. 

This will be a pretty basic session, not aimed at promoting blogging as any kind of panacea; but, instead, the importance of teaching and learning as an active, rich, and connected conversation — and strategies for using blogs, and other closely related applications to provide effective and relevant classroom learning.

I also hope to figure out ways of bringing in what practicing teacher/classroom bloggers have learned from the experience and their insights about where this is going.

So I hope to see you there…

5 thoughts on “Presenting at Large”

  1. Great! I have a couple of fourth grade teachers who are having trouble getting started with their class blogs. They need to better understand the connectedness of blogging. Thanks!

  2. Sounds wonderful! I’ll be participating, and I have passed word along to my students as well as my son’s teachers. I’ll drag them along if need be… Looking forward to it.

  3. Great! I hope to join the webinar! I have two classroom blogs and hope to make them even better! In addition I have been trying to get some of my colleagues to join me in blogging…I hope to get some pointers!

  4. Looking forward to it with great anticipation. We have a group of folks from Hamline University who’ll be signed on as part of a collaborative inquiry project exploring the pedagogical possibilities of blogging. We’re just getting started, so your presentation should be a good shot in the arm.

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