Rip & Mix

10:43 AM

While I have been so engaged in saving my web sites, I haven’t had enough time to delve very deeply into the ideas that have continued to be grown by thinkers out on the Net. Two of these big ideas combine with some news that I culled from my aggregator this morning.

First, the Rip & Mix Culture. Literacy in the 20th century meant being able to read the text that somebody handed to you. We were consumers of information. However, today, because of the new networked digital information environment and increasing access to digital processing tools, we are beginning to shop in the information environment, picking pieces of information here and there, and then mixing them in a way that is personally pleasing and useful.

This Rip & Mix mentality is not new. In the three-stoplight mill town that I grew up in, teenagers spent time, ripping parts out of their cars, and mixing new parts in in order to create the loudest, fasted, and most audacious looking vehicle on the streets. It was a do-it-yourself way of looking at our environment that has extended into the digital domain.

My son, just after Christmas, came to me wanting to buy a device that would allow him to connect his video game system to his laptop computer. He told me how much it would cost and I tried to talk him out of it, given that he already had his game system connected to a 32 inch TV and he only had that much money left. Youngsters often want to spend all of their money on something that they think they really need, only to learn afterward that it hasn’t dramatically enhanced their lives. Then they become very hard to live with. He talked me into it, though, and that night I watched him playing Halo II with his computer on his lap, and that big TV sitting blank.

The next morning, my son set his computer on the breakfast table in front of me, and said, “Watch this.” I can’t clearly describe what I saw, except to explain that he had been playing the game not as a competing player, but as a movie director, instructing his friends (also in the the game environment via the Internet) to perform digital acrobatics on the set of the game. He was actually playing the game through iMovie, and was capturing the video as a DV file. Then he laid some music under the video file, and cut and mixed the video to align with the music.

Rip & Mix! The point here is not Rip & Mix, though, but the fact that it is illegal. Copyright law, as it has recently evolved under the unprecedented influence of the motion picture and recording industries, prohibits this sort of do-it-yourself personalizing of content, even though we have been teaching students for decades how to rip and mix text in the reports and essays that they write.

Now I am not going to spend a lot of time on this issue. There are much smarter people than me who are very clearly articulating the problem. Listen to one of the audio files of Larry Lesseg’s address, or Dan Gilmore.

I do want to point out that three members of the U.S. Congress (one democrat and two republicans) have just introduced an amendment to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) that would allow more fair use of copyrighted materials for students, teachers, scientists, and librarians. This is something that educators need to be paying attention to. The proposed act can be found at the following URL:

Continuing Developments at Landmarks

7:41 AM

It has been a horrendous last few weeks, since the server that was hosting Landmark web sites, crashed, burned, and fell into a crumpled heap, smoke wisping up to the celling. Sorry, it’s a satisfying image after the heartache that we have experienced.

Anyway, I’m still picking up occasional pieces, but most of the Landmark web tools are up and running. They are fairly scattered across three hosting companies, with which I am currently more than thrilled.

It may not be a surprise that Citation Machine ( required the largest hosting plan. In fact, it may have been CM and the closing semester that brought that web server to its knees in tears.

With things settling, a few weeks left before I start serious summer traveling, we are continuing to develop a new version of CM. One of our goals is to relieve the stress on any one web server. Under its current hosting plan, CM can only handle 70,000 citations in a day, which is only a fraction of its accesses in the waning weeks of this school term. This new version is being designed so that it can be licensed by schools and libraries, downloaded and easily installed on a local web server (requires PHP).

What I am especially excited about is a new feature that will allow local CM hosts to edit, delete, and add citations. For instance, the other day I was in an elementary school, where they want desperately to teach their youngsters to cite information sources. However, standard MLA and APA are way too complex for 7 and 8 year olds. So we were able to delete out the existing citations, and add some that were much more appropriate for young scholars.

I wish that I could say that we have developed a slick and intuitive interface. But we haven’t. The struggle has been to make it simple not only to operate, but also to install. Basically, it should be a compressed file, that is expanded and then uploaded to the web server, and, “bang,” you’re there.

Essentially, there will be a config file that has scripts in it that describe the citations. The administrator of the CM site will have to edit these scripts to change the citations.

I’ll talk more about how the scripts work later. It’s time to get to work.

Teach Students to Communicate

6:30 AM

In a recent blog, I described a music recording studio that had been constructed by students and teachers at the Beacon School (Music is Basic). The point that I tried to make from this post was not a thorough as I’d hoped it would be. So let me rephrase.

Stop teaching technology! Teach students to communicate!

Now that that’s off my chest, allow me to expand. There is a lot of information out there. The new information produced in 2002 equates to 800 MB of recorded content per person, world-wide. In 2000, it was only 250 MB of information per person. With this growing glut of information that is available, it becomes a buyer’s market. That is, information must compete for our attention.

Writing has been taught as a technology, teaching the rules and procedures for writing a coherent paragraph. This is why even the writing part of SAT tests seems to be based on, the more you write, the smarter you must be. If we continue to teach writing the way that it has always been taught to students in public schools, then test scores may rise, but we will fall further behind in the race for 21st century jobs.

If we teach children to communicate, then we do not merely teach them the mechanics of writing, but art of communicating convincingly and compellingly — to accomplish goals by influencing other people. In addition, if communicating in the 21st century means producing messages that successfully compete for attention, then at the same time that we are teaching children the art of communicating with text, we should also teach them to communicate with images, animation, video, and music.

Certainly we studied art and music when I was in school in the middle of the last century. However, at that time only a very few people ever had the pleasure of producing music. Today, thousands of people produce finely polished musical works from recording and editing equipment that they have in their bedrooms and basements, and many of them sell their compositions through the new digital bazaars. Today, it is not merely learning to appreciate the art, video, and music of others, but it has become as important to teach students to produce valuable art, video, and music.

The difference is that today students must move way beyond being mere consumers of information. We must make them skilled producers of content — information artisans.

An Amazing Piece of Story Telling

6:30 AM

I visited a school in Queens, while enjoying my fact finding tour of NYC last week. Its focus is technology, though in this school, like The Beacon School, technology is rapidly becoming the paper that holds teaching and learning together. What I mean by this statement is that in the same way that we rarely talked about paper in the schools that I attended and taught in, technology is rarely talked about in these schools. People spend their time talking about science and social sciences, literature, and math, etc. Technology is merely the paper that ideas are delivered through.

Still, technology is seductive in a way that paper could never be. I visited a multimedia class at this school, and was invited to sit with one of the students who was working on his project. I can not pronounce his name, and his thick eastern european accent was difficult for me to wrap my brain around. Still, I was deeply impressed with the genius of what this student had accomplished.

The class was required to produce a video. Most of the students worked in teams to write, act out, record, and edit their video productions. The young man I was sitting with had somehow (legally, I’m sure) gotten hold of the development engine for one of the popular multiplayer game environments. I do not recall the title, but it involved characters dressed in space suits wondering around on an alien planet.

Rather than acting out the characters of his video, this resourceful young man programmed the game to act out his story. Then he recorded the automated delivery, did some editing, and presented his production. It was one of the most impressive pieces of work I have ever seen from a high school student.

I do not know if this young man is a genius. I suspect that I could figure out how to do what he did, given the inclination, and I know that I am no genius. But the fact is that in an information economy where video games are now drawing more revenue than the motion picture industry, anyone who can tell a story through video game technology has very little to worry about for future vocation.

But for us as educators, the important part of all of this is not the technology, it’s the story telling. Our students can figure out how to drive the technology. Most of them do not need us for that. However, are we teaching them to tell a good story. Are we teaching them enough about the real world around them that they can see the rich stories of our lives and retell those stories in ways that do not merely impress us with their resourcefulness, but touch our souls.

Technology is their language — it is their paper. It is also a window through which we can invite them to become a part of the great conversation.

Music is BASIC!

6:30 AM

I visited a school in Queens, while enjoying my fact finding tour of NYC last week. Its focus is technology, though in this school, like The Beacon School, technology is rapidly becoming the paper that holds teaching and learning together. What I mean by this statement is that in the same way that we rarely talked about paper in the schools that I attended and taught in, technology is rarely talked about in these schools. People spend their time talking about science and social sciences, literature, and math, etc. Technology is merely the paper that ideas are delivered through.

Still, technology is seductive in a way that paper could never be. I visited a multimedia class at this school, and was invited to sit with one of the students who was working on his project. I can not pronounce his name, and his thick eastern european accent was difficult for me to wrap my brain around. Still, I was deeply impressed with the genius of what this student had accomplished.

The class was required to produce a video. Most of the students worked in teams to write, act out, record, and edit their video productions. The young man I was sitting with had somehow (legally, I’m sure) gotten hold of the development engine for one of the popular multiplayer game environments. I do not recall the title, but it involved characters dressed in space suits wondering around on an alien planet.

Rather than acting out the characters of his video, this resourceful young man programmed the game to act out his story. Then he recorded the automated delivery, did some editing, and presented his production. It was one of the most impressive pieces of work I have ever seen from a high school student.

I do not know if this young man is a genius. I suspect that I could figure out how to do what he did, given the inclination, and I know that I am no genius. But the fact is that in an information economy where video games are now drawing more revenue than the motion picture industry, anyone who can tell a story through video game technology has very little to worry about for future vocation.

But for us as educators, the important part of all of this is not the technology, it’s the story telling. Our students can figure out how to drive the technology. Most of them do not need us for that. However, are we teaching them to tell a good story. Are we teaching them enough about the real world around them that they can see the rich stories of our lives and retell those stories in ways that do not merely impress us with their resourcefulness, but touch our souls.

Technology is their language — it is their paper. It is also a window through which we can invite them to become a part of the great conversation.

Our Children Won’t Sleep Tonight: Part 3

4:09 AM

Just so you’ll know, I’m not against assessment, testing, reading & math instruction, or even standardized tests. I believe that we must assure that our children are learning. It’s part of teaching. I do object to my government’s obsession with high stakes testing. It is a cheap and simple solution to a very complex problem that is critical to my country’s future.

It is an industrial age solution to an information age problem!

Several years ago, I was walking through downtown Chicago. I may have been there for the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), or it may have been another conference. It was evening, but Chicago, like many cities, never seems to sleep. As I approached the old Harold Washington library building, I noticed a series of enlarged photographs that were lit up for display. Moving closer revealed them as fairly familiar photographs depicting child labor in the early part of the 20th century.

It is a point of pride in our study of U.S. History, that my country recognized the injustice of pressing children into labor for the sake of economic gain. Yet our children are now under more pressure than every before, working in straight rows, performing repetitive tasks, under close supervision! …for the sake of economic gain?

Child labor continues in the United States, as we steal the childhoods from our young.

Turning this injustice into a tragedy is the fact that high stakes testing has much more to do with political gain than economic gain.

  • As our position of prominence in technological advancement and innovation are overtaken by other countries,
  • As the intellectual infrastructure from which the Internet was invented continues to be crippled by devastating budget cuts,
  • As education funding (especially technology) is slashed at the state and national levels,

we appear to sneer at our children and their future by measure the success of our classrooms based on skills that are more appropriate for the 1950s than the 21st century.

The unique inventiveness of my country, what we used to call Yankee Ingenuity, came not from highly regimented, accountability based classrooms. It came from an education system governed by professional educators who were free to teach, assess, invent, adapt, care, and celebrate in their students’ growth. It came from giving our children a childhood, where they could play, explore, experiment, and freely experience the wondrous world they lived in.

Our children have lost their childhood to the account and punish obsession of our government.

Instead of enjoying the rich childhood that I had,


Our Children Won’t Sleep Tonight: Part 2

4:09 AM

In the dank darkness of Medieval Times, there were real dangers in the woods that surrounded the thatched houses of European villages, and our children had to be protected. Understanding the natural curiosity of young minds, parents needed a way to squelch their desires to learn what was beyond the darkness. So we told them stories. We filled the darkness with child eating wolves, witches, and ogres. We filled their dreams with dread and scared them, so that we could protect them from real and life-threatening dangers.

After centuries of advancement into sophisticated and technological civilization, our children still live with terror. I realize this as I hear from teachers about children running from their classrooms during my state’s EOGs (End of Grade tests), screaming and throwing up in the halls.

It’s not green scaled monsters or goat-eating trolls, but the boogieman is still there. Since the first days of the school year, we’ve been telling stories, urging our children’s attention to the rules of learning, or else they will fail the EOGs and be held back for another year in the same grade. Their goodness on that one day, will determine how they spend the next year of their childhood.

I blame no teacher for telling these stories. They are scared too. I know that they have shed tears and lost lunches, because of the way that we are being forced to treat our children. We are as superstitious today as we were in the dark ages, believing that the magical 3 Rs, alone, will assure our children’s success, that if they can read, write, and perform basic math, then we have been successful.

The crime of it is that this abuse of our children comes not for the sake of their safety, or even their future. It is for the benefit of important men and women, in the seats of our governments, and for the one, who sits in the White House. We steel the childhoods of our young, so that these men and women can beat their chests and say, “Look how I’ve improved education, look at those test scores rise.” Is scaring teachers and children the best you can do?


Our Children Won’t Sleep Tonight — Part 1

4:39 AM

After high school, the first jobs I held were in factories. Most of that time was spent in a chain saw factory in Gastonia, North Carolina. I worked as a machine shop operator, materials handler (driving a forklift), and setup man. The last job that I held at that factory was quality control engineer, or inspector. I got this job because I had taken drafting when I was in high school and was very good at reading blueprints.

It was a cushy job, by the standards of working in a machine shop. You didn’t spend hours at night picking slivers of steel and magnesium out of your hands and there was little risk of getting mangled by the machinery. You simply waited at the end of the line with blueprints and precision instruments, measuring the chain saw components at the end of their processing.

That’s the way that work was done in the industrial age. Men and women stood at their tables and machines, applying processes, and machining steel and plastic, installing their portion of the manufacturing. The inspector, at the end of the line, looked at each part, measuring their size and shape, making sure that they all met specifications — that they were all exactly alike.

That’s still the way that we educate our children. Teachers stand in their classrooms installing math, installing reading, installing science, on our children who move down the assembly line of the school year. And at the end of the line are the inspectors, with their tests to measure each child, making sure that they meet the standards, that they all know the same things, think the same way, solve problems with the same processes.

In the industrial age, this made sense. You wanted people who could work in straight rows, performing repetitive tasks, under close supervision. You wanted workers who knew the same things, thought the same way, and followed instructions.

Not today! It is not how much you are like everyone else that will bring value to your endeavors. It’s what you know that is different, how you think that is different, the ways that you solve problems inventively that will bring value to your endeavors. Yet, this week, our children will continue to the end of the assembly line and be measured. And if they pass, it will be because they are just like everyone else in their class.


Yes! What a World

I just received an email from an educator in Michigan, saying, “What an amazing time we live in! For the first time ever, I came back from MACUL (Michigan’s outstanding educational technology conference) free of technolust. All of the good stuff — blogging, wikis, rss — is free and can be explored via a laptop and wifi right there in the convention.”

It is, indeed, one of the exciting things about blogosphere developments, that it is so accessible. If you have a computer on the Net and understand what this stuff is about, then you are there and participating, after only a few mouse-clicks.

He also corrected me on page 151 of “Classroom Blogging…” where I say that the most popular feature of is The Wayback Machine. It is actually the 2,789 live Gradeful Dead shows that can be downloaded as MP3 files, “…approximately 80% of all the shows performed by the Dead and various side bands over the last 40 years.”

Now lets think this through.
Don’t you love Inspiration(TM)?

…larger than just machines

I got some interesting comments from yesterday’s weblog about teachers excusing themselves from learning to use and teach with new technologies — or as I prefer to put it, to teach from the new information environment. Both Jim and Joe made very good points that I could not agree with more. By the way, it was great to see Joe Webb again at the SRTTC Conference in Greenville last week. I knew Joe well back during my days at the State Department of Public Instruction.

One of the problems with blogging is that you never say it all. But that’s really a good thing, because what you leave out is the catalyst for conversation. And that’s what blogging is about, Conversation.

Also last week, I attended the MEGA meeting in Raleigh. I know that I have described MEGA before, but briefly, it is an organization of technology using educators in the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill area. Last week was their showcase meeting where a number of schools and other organizations demonstrated what they were doing to promote appropriate uses of technology in the classroom. I took my iPod and iTalk along and plan to include some conversations during upcoming podcasts.

The featured presentation was moderated by the director of instruction for Green County Schools, a very small, rural school district in Eastern North Carolina, that has invested heavily in a 1 to 1 initiative. Before the tech facilitators got up to describe laptop use in the elementary, middle, and high schools, she relayed that at the beginning of the project, the district’s superintendent told the IT staff that if the network went down, they should treat it like the school was on fire.

This is the way that we should be looking at technology in our schools, from teacher assistants through the superintendent to the board of education and county commissioners. In the schools that adequately prepare our children for their future (and ours), the information infrastructure is as critical as heating, electricity, water and all of the other infrastructures that call technicians to action.

I agree, Jim. 21st century schools require Technology, Time, and Training. It requires a different kind of classroom, a different structure to the school day, and teachers who ARE life-long learners.

Bill Gates recently said that companies like Microsoft are having a tough time finding enough qualified Americans to hire. He also said that immigration policies are threatening our competitiveness. H-1B guest worker visas are now limited to only 65,000 per year. For 2005, they were all taken the very first day of the government’s fiscal year. It is no wonder that IBM, Intel, and Microsoft are now setting up research centers in India and China. China is graduating four times the number of engineers each year as the U.S. Japan, a country with less than half the population of the U.S., graduates twice the number of engineers.

Does this mean that we need to hunker down and start pushing technology and math. I don’t know. But it does seem that something needs to change — FAST.

This information came from a reference to a May 5 Wall Street Journal editorial. I do not have a subscription, so could not verify. But here is a news (RSS) feed to references in the news to Bill Gates and H-1B.

RSS Chicklet