NETS Update

A testiment to what is possible when a conference environment provides WiFi.  I’m sitting in a presentation about opensource software available for blended teaching, and I check e-mail, find a WWWEDU message from Art Wolinsky, about the state of ISTE’s NETS.  So give it a read, and let’s lend our voice.

It seems hard to be lieve that NETS is already 9 years old.  In tech
terms, that’s ancient.  ISTE is keeping pace by revamping them and
wants feedback.

See article at:

See draft at:

Provide feedback at:

It’s amazing was a non multitasker can do with today’s information tools! 😉

Wolinsky, Art. “[WWWEDU] Draft of new ISTE Tech Standards.” E-mail to Subscribers to WWWEDU Mailing List.7 Feb 2007.

One thought on “NETS Update”

  1. At TCEA there was a session led by ISTE to get feedback from teachers and tech leaders about this. It was an interesting session. We spent the most time thinking about the Profile which is the short description of what students should learn at each grade level. I know that they want a lot of feedback from people, so I would encourage everyone to follow the links in the blog and give them your ideas. They also have a packet for anyone who wants to lead that type of brainstorming session with their faculty.


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