I’m sitting in my hotel room, getting ready for the CECA 2006 conference, here outside of Hartford, Connecticut. The theme of their conference is Communicating In A Global Society — and they are taking that theme seriously. Each attendee will receive a free iPod Nano. Let’s pause for a moment for affect.
This is not simply a ploy to get people to attend the conference, though it will almost certainly have that affect. The Nanos will come preloaded with a number of audio files about the conference, the theme of the conference, and pre-recorded highlights of many of the presentations, including the keynote address.
In addition, a team of podcasters has been assembled with missions to record specific presentations, with permission from presenters, and then dash to podcaster central (some boardroom somewhere in the bowels of the conference center) where highly trained technicians will upload the files and attach them to a conference podcast feed.
As a result, conference attendees, after the conference, will be able to subscribe to the CECA feed and download all of those podcast presentations to take home with them. This is too cool for school!
full disclosure: I do not receive any compensation from Apple Computer and all mentionings of companies or their products are trademarked.
technorati tags:warlick, conferences, ceca06, ceca2006, podcast, podcasting
Blogged with Flock
Hi David,
at our recent ULearn06 conference in Christchurch, New Zealand we had kids doing the things you describe. Took the whole thing to another level to see (particularly the primary aged) students working with teachers, principals and Ministry of Education people teaching them how to blog, recording their learning for podcasts and vlogs, etc.
check them out here … http://blog.core-ed.net/ulearn/ and here … http://centre4.interact.ac.nz/modules/page/page.php?space_key=747&module_key=33853&link_key=33808&group_key=0