OK! No Pictures!

Sorry, but I didn’t take any pictures of me in my son’s shirt.  I thought about it I couldn’t move that well.  I couldn’t even get an ink pen in my shirt pocket.

So, to satisfy your desire for details, and to move with the flow of confessions, I once opened my suitcase, getting ready for a keynote address in Chicago, to find only right shoes.  I found them great for turning right, but every time I tried to turn left, I fell down.

And then there was the time when I got to that iEARN conference in Spain, and I didn’t pack any underwear.  Couldn’t improvise, so I went shopping.  I’ll let your imagination paint the picture of me trying to buy underwear from a very matronly sales woman, who spoke absolutely no English!

I’m sure it must have been a hillarious site!


2¢ Worth

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2 thoughts on “OK! No Pictures!”

  1. A- Left for a performance to discover I had white sneakers but no shoes. Sunday afternoon, small town, blue laws. Did the gig in my socks.

    B- Discovered halfway through conducting a musical comedy that I was wearing pants I had split earlier in the week. Not a little split, a six inch tear I’d made with my foot. Everytime the girls in the front row laughed, I thought they were seeing my posterior.

    C- Son (age 1 1/2) throws up on not one but both of my tuxedos. I was the only person in a gray sport coat in the entire choir.

    I feel you, Dave. I laughed out load at the left turn thing!

    FYI- Your “Stop Using That Word” post, which inspired JakeSpeak’s “On Being Good” continues to spin out. It came out at a CTO meeting I was at last week. It was my first meeting, and I was very happy to have read both and to be ahead of the room. The wonders of the internet, huh?

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