UK Florida educator, Mechelle De Craene, is experimenting with using the SIMS video game, as a method for helping her special needs students learn to express their stories. She says in her blog posting, The Sims 2.0 & Students with Special Needs.
My newest classroom-based pilot research project is coming along well. I am exploring The Sims game with my students with special needs with regard to writing in English class. It’s fun watching as the kids’ virtual stories unfold. Additionally, the kids are producing awesome “Sims Stories” with detailed plots. Oh, the virtual drama middle schoolers can create!
This seems like something to pay attention too.
De Craene, Mechelle. “The Sims 2.0 & Students with Special Needs.” [Weblog Mechelle De Craene :: Weblog] 30 Aug 2006. 31 Aug 2006 <>.
This is especially interesting in light of the debate over the role video games can play in education. If you have not had the chance to read Can Games Be Used To Teach? from ISTE, take a look.
I recently received a comment to my post on the issue of gaming that referenced an interesting article on promoting the development of video games for edcuation. I am a fan of collaborative development, so the article resonated with me.
It’s worth pointing out to colleagues that Mechelle is contributing a chapter to the 2nd edition of “Coming of Age…” about offline and online identity, based on her research.
Thanks Dave, Robert and Terry for commenting about my research. I’m really excited about it. Also, thank you Robert for the ISTE article. It is really interesting. Both authors of the article, Alix Peshette and David Thornburg make really good points. Even though it is a counterpoint article, it seems like they share a common theme. Mainly, that all video games are not created equal.
So, Can Video Games Be Used to Teach? It depends on several factors. Here’s a link to Future Lab on Games and Learning that I found very helpful.
As Terry mentioned, I’ll be writing up more of my research in progress in the 2nd ed. of Coming of Age. This edition has many more authors. It’s a really great
resource for teachers with a variety of engaging subjects. Here’s the site on the latest developments:
Also, I’m looking to find other gamer teachers to possibly start a community of practice related to video games in which we can share our classroom experiences. If you’re out there please drop me a line…especially if you are working with students with special needs. Thanks again for sharing my research! Have a great day.
Best Wishes,
Mechelle : )
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I recently came across something on the web about using Sims 2 in a foreign language classroom. I was so amazed because it was such a fresh and exciting idea, that I have been searching for directions on exactly HOW TO do this. What game do I purchase or download? I have a billion more questions- if anyone knows how to answer this please let me know asap! (I teach Italian at the high school level)
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