One of the best parts of what I do is getting to attend education conferences all over the country — and occasionally in other countries. It is unfortunate that most teachers do not have the opportunity to attend conferences. However, a handful of school districts solve this problem by organizing their own local conferences, bringing in speakers from outside the district to share new ideas and strategies. Loudoun County, Virginia is one such district who has provided this service for years. I believe that today will be my third Loudoun conference. A clear indication of the quality of this conference is the fact that last year they brought in Ian Jukes as the keynote speaker.
As an experiment, we will be producing our own wiki handouts for these workshops. They can be accessed by clicking the following link:
I want to invite anyone who happens to read my blog this morning, and who would like to include any insights about preparing children for the new information landscape to post there ideas on this wiki. You will be required to set up an account on my wiki site, but that takes only a minute or two. Just click “Create an Account…” in to upper right corner of the page. Then return to the handouts page.
You may want to reframe that sentence from “preparing children for the new information landscape” to “preparing educators for the new information landscape.” Our kids, digital natives that they are, know the information landscape as part of their world. (A friend told me that her six year old son just lost his tooth and asked her if the tooth fairy has a web site!) It is so natural to them.
I love the idea of the educators creating their own wiki handouts. What a practical way to demonstrate the effectiveness of this web creation tool.