The iArm I almost got for Christmas

We enjoyed Christmas Eve with my wife’s family at our house this year. Usually, we celebrate family holidays at that the home of her sister, in Cary, because they have a much larger house and her husband, Kirby, a retired Fire Captain, is a celebrated cook. Don’t recall why, but this year it was at our house, with many covered dish contributions from Kirby — and my wife’s soon to be celebrated banana pudding.

That was followed by my handing out packages from under the tree, being delivered by our niece’s young son and younger grandson — who both struggled to remember the names of their extended family. Then we took turns opening, youngest to oldest.

I started in on a moderately heavy package, about the size of shirt box, but thicker, and weighing about nine pounds — all indications of something special. As I started to tear strips of wrapping from the box, I spied the picture to the right.

It looked like and iPad or Kindle, I started getting excited. Ripping on through, I found the pictures on the left, and my excitement started to be replaced with “Just how geeky do these folks think I am?

And then this..
And this..

Finally, they were all laughing historically, as I opened the box to a small sack of potatoes (which they said they had to get back for tomorrow’s breakfast) and a very generous Amazon gift card. It was a wonderful family gathering with fun had by all.