This is Pretty Close…

The first chapter of my book, Redefining Literacy for the 21st Century (Linworth 2004), is a future fiction about a middle school class in 2014. The story was originally written as a thought exercise for me as I prepared the planning and writing of the book. After reading it, my editor asked that it be part of the book.

For the story, I imagined the information technologies that will almost certainly be available in schools, ten years into the future and inserted those technologies into the school.  Then I tried to let their applications emerge through the plot.

In the story, I described a tablet style computer that each student and teacher had, and I think that this video , from UMPCommunity, comes pretty close to describing the device I was imagining during the writing of the book (2002 & 2003).

Video Citation:
“UMPC in Education Video.” UMPCommunity. 2 Aug 2006. UMPCommunity. 8 Jan 2008 .

4 thoughts on “This is Pretty Close…”

  1. Too bad it didn’t have English subtitles or something. The technology is great, but I’m just assuming what the learning was. It’s a good thing the US is more interested in standardized tests than competing in education. I guess some industrialized nations needs to be last.

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