Two days in the Smoky Mountains

Brenda and I had a fabulous time in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina over the past couple of days.  We took our time, driving across the state, taking a detour along the Blue Ridge Parkway, getting on in Little Switzerland, and off again just southwest of Waynsville.  Then a few more miles over to Sylva, a lovely little town, tucked amongst the mountains.  I’d reserved a book for Ryann at a Sylva bookstore, during our drive, and then started to worry, because the name of the store was City Lights.  I was worried because I was afraid that I had accidentally called San Francisco, instead.  Alas, her book was waiting.  We met my daughter for dinner, gave her the book, and then we retired back to our room by the river.

On Saturday, after doing a goodly amount of editing of my K12 Online Conference presentation, we drove over to Cullowhee for the Mountain Heritage Day.  I’ve included some pictures below.  By far, the high points were the Shape-note singing (play audio clip below) and the Cherokee war dances.

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The Blue Ridge Parkway, somewhere between Little Switzerland and Balsam Gap.

Early Morning Myst DSC_0057.JPG
Early Morning by the River

A Machine for Makin’ Grits

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Southern Kitchen — a Remix

The Honey Man

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Nice Man pulling the Hay Wagon

Fine Blue Grass Music in the Making

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Shape-note Singing, an American Tradition Authentic Cherokee War Dance


4 thoughts on “Two days in the Smoky Mountains”

  1. Ahh, those photos make me think of my one week that I get to spend each summer in Mars Hill (not all that far from where you were). The Smoky Mountains are so beautiful all year ’round, and I bet that they are particularly beautiful right now.

  2. The Smoky mountain Directorty is a useful search engine for local business listings and finding more about the great smoky mountains .

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