Final Blog

Final Blog

The workshop is nearly over. Summit participants are writing their final blog, a reflection on teaching and learning in the 21st century.

We had an exceptional discussion after lunch, negotiating the intersection, and they exceeded all expectation. Please visit the DGS wiki ( and read some of the ideas. We also recorded the discussion and will be posting it as well.

It’s been a great workshop.

Way more than 2 cents worth.

Final Blog

Originally uploaded by David Warlick.

9 thoughts on “Final Blog”

  1. Hats off to you and everybody in Downers Grove!!!

    You folks set the bar pretty high in terms of the possibilities. It’s a big step closer to a “new kind of conference”. I’m very interested in your thoughts about how the wiki piece worked from a facilitation standpoint.

    It was a huge “aha!” moment for me today when it started to sink in that we all created something that wasn’t going to be erased from a whiteboard, buried in an email archive, or tossed like flipchart paper & handouts. This stuff sticks. “Socially constructed online learning”.

    This stuff is so cool.

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