A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

An 8th grade science teacher, Ms. S, retrieves her MP3 player from the computer-connected cradle where it’s spent the night scanning the 17 podcasts she subscribes to. Having detected three new programs, the computer downloaded the files and copied them to the handheld. En route to work, Ms. S inserts the device into her dash-mounted cradle and reviews the podcasts, selecting a colleague’s classroom presentation on global warming and a NASA conference lecture about interstellar space travel.

Techlearning > > A Day in the Life of Web 2.0 > October 15, 2006

ODuring a birds of a feather session at NECC this year, on Web 2.0, one of the questions that kept coming up was, “What does this really look like in a school?” I pitched the ideas as an article for TechLearning while I was there and the result, with great help from the editors at T&L, is now up on their web site.

It’s a miandering tour of a handful of applications of read/write tools in the culture of a school. Enjoy, share, and add to the story.

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OK, Stop Everything

I’m trying really hard to get everything done with all my appointments today, and before I hit the road tomorrow for the next week and a half.  I am also trying to keep the corner of my eye on the K12 Online Conference, for which the keynote was just announced. 

This is a lot to ask of me.

But I just got rocked when I took a quick look at my presentation’s wiki page to see if anything is happening there was amazed…. 

Context —  I’m here in Raleigh, North Carolina.  I’ve recorded the presentation by carrying my video camera around with me to the local coffeeshop, the train station, my back yard, and the first person who sets up their personal notes wiki page on the wiki site…

lives in Tianjin, China.

The world is not flat.  Geography is simply not relevant!

OK, enough hyperbole.  Time to get back to work.

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New on Citation Machine

http://davidwarlick.com/images/cm-chicago.gifI have a very busy day and almost not time for blogging. I would like to pass along that last week my daughter, who is studying history and secondary education, wrote that all of her social sciences courses were expecting the Chicago style of citations on her papers. Bummer!

So, this weekend, I spent some time coding in citations forms for a handful of sources in the CMS, or Chicago Manual of Style citations. I will add more later.

Citation Machine is at: http://citationmachine.net/

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Teen Voices — Listen

I just listented to an interesting interview with several teenagers about their information habits. The event was the 2005 Web 2.0 conference, so some of this is going to sound a bit dated (would you like to have a video iPod?). It was almost as revealing, listening to the audiences reactions (mostly geeked-out webtwoheads).

than a quarter of internet users are aged between their early teens and
their mid twenties. This group spends a third more time online than the
next most active age group. With this in mind, Safa Rashtchy – Managing
Director at Piper Jaffray – puts five teens on stage at the 2005 Web
2.0 Conference and asks them searching questions about their digital

Analysts often speculate about the internet’s next big
thing. In recent years, this has often been decided by the 37 million
12 to 24 year olds who spend most of their free time online. Therefore,
in order to understand internet trends, it’s crucial to understand this
age group’s ideals, what they are prepared to pay for, and what they
like and dislike.

Rashtchy puts a series of questions to a group
of five panel members around the age of 18. Their answers may change
your ideas about teen-focused internet businesses. If you want to know
how much time teens really spend on social networking, what sites they
use for searching, and how they would spend 100 dollars online (or
whether they’re really more interested in getting more free stuff),
this is the panel that delivers the answers.

IT Conversations: What Teens Want

You can probably listen directly to the audio file here, though you may be asked to set up an account.

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Classroom Blogs Story from the Seattle Times

This is a quote from Mark Ahlness in a recent Seattle Times story, Teachers art Reaching out to Students with a New Class of Blogs. 

in 25 years of teaching have I seen a more powerful motivator for
writing than blogs,” Ahlness said. “And that’s because of the audience.
Writing is not just taped on the refrigerator and then put in the
recycle bin. It’s out there for the world to see. Kids realize other
people are reading what they write.”

The Seattle Times: Living: Teachers are reaching out to students with a new class of blogs

It’s a good, balanced, and fairly comprehensive story about classroom blogging. 

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One Bloggy Conference

I’m home from Maine and the ACTEM state conference. It was touch and go with delays all along the three leg journey from Augusta, to Boston, to Charlotte, and home to Raleigh. For those who are far away, Maine was the first of a handful of states in the U.S. that have decided that it is the state’s responsibility to take learning into the 21st century by investing in access to digital networked information for every teacher and student. Led by former governor, Angus King (present at the opening of the conference), it was a bold and expensive move, especially for a state as rural as Maine — and a state so challenged by rapid economic change.

I come away even more convinced that we are not going to achieve the changes in public education that some of us preach, until we have thrown out the paper and started teaching from a purely digital networked information environment. Staff development will be critical. Leadership will be critical. But the sense that I got from the conversations I had and overheard at that conference is that presented with the void of a new and barely tapped information tool, your great teachers (leader teachers) will blaze trails very quickly and very creatively, and the rest will follow.

We have no choice!

Check out the ACTEM Hitchhikr page for just a smatering of the bloggings that have already come out of that conference.

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How do you know you’re in Maine?

  1. The first thing attendees to your workshop ask is, “Do we have WiFi?”
  2. Teachers are checking their students work, during the workshop, on their comput’a.
  3. When you insist on tech support for your hands-on workshop, and none was needed.
  4. When, in a workshop, everytime you ask, “How many of you have done this before…?” and nearly every hand goes up.
  5. When two members of your workshop organize their own workshops in the back of the room.
  6. They don’t give out a conference bag at conference registration, because everyone’s going to be carrying a computer bag anyway.
  7. The former governor of the state is attending an education conference.
  8. Nearly everything that people say, and an easy-going, slow, mumbly sort of way, carries wisdom!
  9. When you had to fly in a little soapbox derby sort of plane to step into the future.
  10. When you start to feel optimistic, and think, “You know, we may just be able to turn this thing around.” then you know your in Maine!

Way more than two pennies!

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Why is this so Hard?

A NeuronLots of conversations now. They are heated, contentious, threatening to many of us, and they are all good. It’s where we learn today, in these conversations.

Right now, a lot of us are struggling with what authority and source means within the context of contemporary literacy. I was reading The Long Tail last night, while I was waiting for me fried New England Clam Chowder, and ran across this paragraph, concerning Google. It could, as easily be about Wikipedia or Del.icio.us.

It makes connections that you or I might not. Because they emerge naturally from math or a scale we can’t comprehend. Google is arguably the first company to be born with the alien intelligence of the Web’s “massive-scale” statistics hardwired into its DNA. That’s why it’s so successful, and so seemingly unstoppable.

Certainly it frightens us. This new web of organically assembled, self-healing information comes out of an alien intelligence, where we are neurons participating and a community encyclopedia of knowledge. It’s weird. Is it working?

Teaching about Authority to Elementary Children — A little help please?

Today’s workshop at ACTEM doesn’t start until this afternoon, so I have an hour to kill, and Candace Hackett Shively has taken care of that for me.  She commented on a recent post about David Weinberger’s comparison of the Wikipedia and The New York Times — A WOW Moment…

Candace says that the nature of authority and academia is an important one, but she asks a very practical question.

…How do we ease eight year olds into understanding that no single source is truly “authoritative”? The question of authority should certainly come into the educational process, but at what point are children ready to handle it? Note that I say children, not youth.


So where or when do we say to children,”consider the idea that no single source is THE source” ? Do we ever say that attiribution is one way of determining authority? If not, how do we help YOUNG students begin to develop the literacy they need to survive as critical consumers of information? What are the baby stepsto lead a concrete thinker into an age-appropriate, “starter” litera

Gmail – [2 Cents Worth] Comment: “A WOW Moment — Up Early in the Morning”

I have something to say on the matter, but I must admit, first, that I have almost no experience at teaching primary level children.  I couldn’t do it.  So as far as any formal understanding of readiness, I am sitting out in left field.  I’m comfortably here.  I have my own furniture.

I think that it is important that we try NOT to teach that no one source is THE source”.  Instead, we should simply teach that source is important.  In the primary grades, it has very little to do with citations, and more to do with the conversations that are already happening.  If a teacher stands in front of his class and says that the world is like this, or grocery stores are like this, then that teacher is teaching his student to assume the authority of THE source.  However, if the teacher says that according to this source, this person, or this logic, the world is like this, or according to Sally Johnson, the manager of our Piggly Wiggly store, grocery stores provide this…  — and that is part of every conversation, then the teacher is teaching students that the the source of the information is as important as the information itself.

This is a good conversation.  Anyone want to contribute?

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SLB Podcast about K12 Online Conference

K12 Online Conference 2006Wesley Fryer has published a podcast about the K12 Online Conference for the School Library Journal. It is very good detailed overview of the conference which lasts for two weeks and four strands.

OpenContent, Open Conference (Oct. 2006)In our October issue, ed-tech mavenWesley Fryer, author of the award-winning blog “Moving at the Speed ofCreativity,” writes in praise of open content. Staying on topic, hispodcast describes the first K-12 Online Conference (Oct. 23-Nov. 3),which will be freely available on the Web. [Read the related article:In Praise of Open Content]

SLJ Podcasts – 10/1/2006 – School Library Journal – CA6363460

Give this a listen, because the online conference is a first and rich opportunity.

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